Physical and Mental Workouts Provide Distinct Benefits to Our Brain, According to Experts

Sharon Moore July 25, 2016

Exercising both your mind and body provides significant benefits to your brain. For instance, cognitive training improves executive function while aerobic exercises boost memory - reports a new study published in Frontiers in Human Neuroscience.  The study, carried out by researchers from the BrainHealth Centre of the University of Texas in Dallas, USA

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5 Interesting Facts about Aromatherapy

Lisa Franchi July 21, 2016

If you’re like most natural health enthusiasts, you’ve probably tried aromatherapy many times already. This therapy has gotten buzz for recent years because of the claimed health benefits, ranging from lower stress to better sleep, less pain and better mood.  But what is aromatherapy really? And what makes it a must-try? Here are some inter

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Global Study Suggests Stroke is Highly Preventable

Rebecca Lewis July 20, 2016

Stroke remains to be a leading cause of mortality worldwide, especially in low-income and middle-income countries. But did you know that 9 out of 10 risk factors for stroke are preventable? That’s according to the latest research published in The Lancet journal. Stroke takes place when the supply of blood to the brain is cut off. As this happens, th

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5 Signs of Hormonal Imbalance You Should Watch Out For

Amy Taylor July 20, 2016

We don’t get to hear much about hormones than we do about the heart, the brain and the kidneys. But hormones play so many crucial roles to our body, from spearheading growth to regulating metabolism, sexual development and keeping diseases at bay. Hormones are chemicals which are released by different glands in our body and each of them serve a purpose

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Even Small Amounts of Exercise Can Make a Big Difference, Researchers Say

Sharon Moore July 19, 2016

Good news for those who can’t spend hours in the gym: just five minutes of vigorous exercise daily - such as riding a bike or walking briskly is needed to reap its health benefits, according to new research.  We all know that exercising is good for our health. But how much exactly do we need to experience its amazing benefits? In the latest study

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Great Reasons to Have Plants inside Your Home

Lisa Franchi July 19, 2016

There’s a good reason why homes with gardens have higher value. They just don’t augment the beauty of our space, they also boost our health in plenty of ways. And don’t worry if you don’t have an outdoor space. By taking your plants indoors, you can benefit from the following health wonders: Lower Stress Level Working from home? Exp

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More Water Please! New Research Shows How Water affects our Brain, Tummy & Appetite

Rebecca Lewis July 19, 2016

Drink more water. This is probably one of the most common diet tips you’d hear everywhere. But how does hydration do its job of reducing hunger? For the first time, researchers look at what happens to the brain, the stomach, and people’s feelings of satiety when drinking water. They found that a simple change like drinking more water can alter me

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How to Make Your Life Less Complicated (and Happier Too)

Amy Taylor July 18, 2016

People have become busier these days than they were decades ago. Credits to the industrialisation and the fast-moving technological advances. Apart from work, there are many other things that occupy our time these days, such as the social media.  But all these make our life somehow complicated too and too often, puts a huge toll on our relationships. W

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Combat Stress Reaction & PTSD

Nicky Mitchell NLP, IEMT (Integral Eye Movement Therapy) and Counselling July 15, 2016

This is a Military term to describe acute behavioural disorganisation seen by Medical Personnel as a direct result of the trauma of war. Also known as Combat Fatigue or Battle Neurosis. Combat Stress and PTSD are very different conditions and need to be dealt with accordingly. Unfortunately Combat Stress is often seen as an expected and predictable reactio

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Be a More Resilient Person with these Three Steps

Sharon Moore July 14, 2016

We all go through the tough times. They are inevitable. However, we can always control our mind and reaction to difficult situations. Here are three simple yet powerful steps that you can take to become a more resilient person. Accept what you cannot change. Recovering from life’s difficulties begin with accepting that life isn’t perfect and th

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