5 Interesting Facts about Aromatherapy

Lisa Franchi July 21, 2016

If you’re like most natural health enthusiasts, you’ve probably tried aromatherapy many times already. This therapy has gotten buzz for recent years because of the claimed health benefits, ranging from lower stress to better sleep, less pain and better mood. 

But what is aromatherapy really? And what makes it a must-try? Here are some interesting facts about aromatherapy that you should know: 

It’s been around for over 6,000 years. 

Aromatherapy has been existing for over 6,000 years. It was first practised in ancient China, where people used to burn a wide variety of herbs to promote harmony and well-being. In Egypt, people used essential oils along with incense to release herbs’ wonderful fragrances. 

Aromatherapy benefits build on synergy. 

An important element of aromatherapy is synergy - the combination of numerous essential oils that create a more powerful effect that individual herbs could have on their own. The proper blending of different herbs is one of the key areas that aromatherapists study to provide a therapy that would work for people with varying health concerns. 

It has antidepressant capability. 

Aromatherapy is best known for helping people deal with stress. But did you know that it is also used as a complementary treatment in alleviating depression symptoms? And in terms of reducing depressive symptoms, most therapists recommend jasmine, lavender, peppermint and chamomile. These herbs release such mild and wonderful fragrances that promote quality sleep and reduce feelings of anxiety. 

Aromatherapy is great for healing and recovery. 

Whether you have suffered injury or have just gone through a major surgery, aromatherapy can speed up your body’s healing and recovery. Some of the essential oils that provide the most of these benefits are lavender, rosehip, Everlasting, calendula and buckthorn. There are also a number of essential oils that soothe skin problems, from simple itch and rash to more serious ones like psoriasis. 

It boosts your immunity too! 

They say prevention is better than cure. Absolutely! So if you’re after preventing yourself from developing serious illnesses, aromatherapy is a good addition to your lifestyle. Aromatherapy has been found to aid and help prevent a wide range of illnesses and infections, as well as pain.  

Whatever your condition, or whether you are simply looking to enhance your health - aromatherapy is something you should consider. Have it once a week and experience the difference!

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