Combat Stress Reaction & PTSD

Nicky Mitchell NLP, IEMT (Integral Eye Movement Therapy) and Counselling July 15, 2016

This is a Military term to describe acute behavioural disorganisation seen by Medical Personnel as a direct result of the trauma of war. Also known as Combat Fatigue or Battle Neurosis.

Combat Stress and PTSD are very different conditions and need to be dealt with accordingly. Unfortunately Combat Stress is often seen as an expected and predictable reaction to combat and can be ignored or overlooked. If it is left unresolved or not given the time and attention it needs to be treated, there is a possibility it will lead to further complications mentally. There is a strong link between Combat Stress and PTSD as symptoms do overlap. If left unresolved, Combat Stress can result in PTSD and Depression.

Sometimes, talking about your experiences does help and often the first step is to talk to other War Veterans. However this may not be enough or you may feel you need to share your thoughts and feelings with someone totally independent such as a talking Therapy Coach. If you have been an active member of the Forces and want to better understand your trauma then talking with a professional Counsellor can help. They can work with you to rebuild your self-esteem and identity and support you to process any loss and grief you are feeling. If reliving your time in the service does not appeal to you or feels too daunting then Integral Eye Movement Therapy is the way forward! It allows the client and therapist to work totally content-free and in a very short space of time your memories will lose their negative impact and flashbacks will lessen and become much less disturbing.

Take the first steps to recovery and consult an independent professional and you could be surprised how much change in your life can be achieved.

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