New Framework for Human Nutrition Seeks to Effectively Tackle Obesity

Lisa Franchi August 18, 2016

Current models used in measuring health impacts of the human diet are limiting health experts’ capacity to solve obesity and its related problems, according to new research.   In their study, Professor David Raubenheimer and Professor Stephen Simpson from the University of Sydney’s Charles Perkins Centre developed a new framework calle

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5 Surprising Benefits of Drinking Warm Water in the Morning

Amy Taylor August 17, 2016

What’s the first beverage you indulge in every morning? While a cup of hot coffee or warm tea sounds like a great idea, you may want to drink water first - warm water in particular. Doing this very easy morning routine can change your health significantly and lead to amazing results.  Weight Loss  Topping the list is its effect on your weig

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High-Intensity Workouts May Slow Ageing, New Research Suggests

Rebecca Lewis August 17, 2016

Looking for something to inspire you more to go to the gym today? Researchers from Belgium got some great news for you. In a recent study, they found that intense aerobic exercises may slow down the ageing process by stimulating your telomeres - the protective caps blocking your DNA from harm as you age - to grow longer.  For the study, 10 volunteers w

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Are We Wired to Become Depressed? New Research Identifies More than a Dozen of Human Genes Linked to Depression

Sharon Moore August 16, 2016

Breakthrough research from Massachusetts General Hospital found that there are more than a dozen of genes hiding in the body that fuel depression. The study drew in part data from 121,000 customers of 23andMe who indicated they’d been diagnosed with depression or treated for it, plus more than 338,000 other customers. The results were combined with dat

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5 Great Reasons to Boost Fibre in Your Diet

Lisa Franchi August 16, 2016

Fibre lies in the foundation of good health. Most of us link high fibre intake to just weight loss but actually, this plant-based nutrient provides so much more benefits to your body. Fibre is mainly found in fruits and vegetables, legumes and whole grains. Increasing your consumption of these foods can result to the following health perks!  Fibre help

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Key Principles Happy People Live By

Amy Taylor August 15, 2016

It is everyone’s dream to be happy. We wake up, prepare for another day, work, go home, and pursue our goals and passion in life because at the end of the day, we just want to be happy. But happiness, for many people, doesn’t come easy. Many people are successful in their chosen paths but are still unhappy. So if it isn’t success, money or

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Eating Nuts Frequently May Lower Inflammation in the Body, New Study Suggests

Rebecca Lewis August 15, 2016

A new study found an association between frequent consumption of nuts and lower levels of biomarkers of inflammation. Such findings, provide additional insight as to why nuts are good for our health.  A team of researchers from Brigham and Women’s Hospital performed a cross-sectional analysis of data from the Nurses’ Health Study, which inc

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7 Eating Habits that Make You Physically & Mentally Fit

Sharon Moore August 12, 2016

Staying healthy is a big challenge these days, especially for busy professionals who rarely have the time to prepare healthy food from scratch. Here are eating habits that you may want to start practising today. Not only will doing these make you physically stronger, it will make you mentally fitter too! Go green. Opt for vegetable salad over sandwich

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One Hour of Exercise Daily Can Counter Health Risks of Prolonged Sitting, Study Finds

Lisa Franchi August 11, 2016

Too much sitting is the new smoking. Plenty of studies have shown that sitting for more than eight hours a day can cause so much harm to one’s health and increase the risk of chronic illnesses as well as early death. Until recently, it was unknown whether exercising everyday can counter these health effects.  In an analysis published in The Lance

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6 Steps to Make Your Day a ‘One Fine Day’

Amy Taylor August 10, 2016

Too often, we consider doing some self-help techniques only during difficult times - when we are stressed at work, dealing with relationship problems, taking a new risk, facing a major transition, and so on. But many psychiatrists believe that aside from the major roadblocks, we should also look into being more compassionate to ourselves on the everyday. Aft

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