Love Burgers, Pizza & Fries? Your Western Diet Can Be Increasing Your Alzheimer’s Risk

Amy Taylor September 08, 2016

People whose diets are mainly comprised of sugary and fatty junk food are at a greater risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease, according to a new study.  The study revealed that people who follow a western diet have a higher average risk than most other nationalities of developing the degenerative brain disorder, and have done for years. Accordin

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Psychosis Associated With Low Levels of Physical Activity

Rebecca Lewis September 07, 2016

A large-scale international study involving 200,000 people worldwide has found that people with psychosis tend to have low levels of physical activity compared to those who don’t have the mental illness.  The study, led by the researchers from King’s College London and the South London and Maudsley (SLaM) NHS Foundation Trust, also provides

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Foods that Lower Your Blood Pressure Better than Drugs

Sharon Moore September 07, 2016

High blood pressure is a common factor in heart disease. According to the NHS, one in four people in UK suffer from high blood pressure. While sometimes, its symptoms (such as nausea and headache) are noticeable, too often, they are not.  If your blood pressure is always high, it puts a strain on your vital organs, particularly your heart, liver and ki

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Sleep Makes Learning & Relearning Easier, Researchers Say

Lisa Franchi September 06, 2016

Whether you are preparing for a university exam or a tough presentation at work, scientists suggest one simple trick to make sure you easily remember what you’ve studied - get enough sleep. The new findings, published in the Psychological Science journal, found that getting sleep between study sessions not only helps you recall what you studied but als

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HRT Increases Breast Cancer Risk by Up to 60 Per Cent, Study Finds

Amy Taylor September 06, 2016

Women who take a common form of HRT are nearly three times as likely to get breast cancer, according to new research.  The study, led by scientists at Institute of Cancer Research in London, suggests that the risks of taking the pills have been underestimated for year and are actually 60 per cent higher than thought.  39,000 British women were in

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5 Key Steps to Rewire Your Brain to Be More Positive

Rebecca Lewis September 06, 2016

Hard work and determination aren’t enough to be successful in life. Another huge factor that plays a big role towards not just success but happiness is positive attitude. You may not realise this but your attitude defines how you see the world, how you deal with others, and how you handle every situation in life. But don’t despair if you think y

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Top 8 Reasons to Get a Massage Today

Sharon Moore September 02, 2016

There’s a reason why many people spare money on expensive body treatments like massage. Apart from alleviating stress, there are numerous health benefits associated with massage. Let’s learn more about them today.  Massage for Lower Anxiety  Anxiety is one of the most common mental health problems today. While feeling worried from tim

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Church Power and Control over Spirituality

Mary Wright August 31, 2016

The idea that higher realms exist is generally accepted worldwide, with churches, synagogues and temples taking over the ’official’ role of intermediary. Sadly, centuries of religious dogma have deterred ordinary folks from exploring psychic phenomena, by labelling such actions as heresy, witchcraft, devil worship and so on. Barriers to God The

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Home Space Tweaks for Better Mood

Lisa Franchi August 30, 2016

Do you always feel irritated, stressed and upset? Look around you. Your environment might be to blame. Our living space does have a huge impact on our mood. If your house is always messy and disorganised, you are likely to be faced with negative emotions too. So here are some home improvement ideas that you can try to boost your mood: Go for happy colour.

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New Research Explores Mind-Body Connection

Amy Taylor August 29, 2016

New research published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) journal provides evidence for the neural basis of a mind-body connection. Said findings are important as they shed new light on how stress, depression and other mental states can alter organ function, and show that there is a real anatomical basis for psychosomatic illness.

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