Home Space Tweaks for Better Mood
Do you always feel irritated, stressed and upset? Look around you. Your environment might be to blame. Our living space does have a huge impact on our mood. If your house is always messy and disorganised, you are likely to be faced with negative emotions too.
So here are some home improvement ideas that you can try to boost your mood:
Go for happy colour.
The colour of your home interiors can greatly affect your everyday mood. So be wise when it comes to selecting wall paints and accents. Studies have shown that bright and neutral colours stimulate lively conversations and happy mood. Meanwhile, green, beige, violet and blue have been found to boost positive mood. Wall paints aren’t too expensive. Changing your wall colour can be a wonderful idea if you want to instil positive vibes in your house.
Add some artistic touch.
There’s a reason why hotels invest heavily on décor and artistic crafts. All these beautiful pieces can lift your spirits. Adding creative elements in your home such as floral arrangement, paintings, wall coverings, ornate rugs, or some home-grown plants is an easy way to cultivate your optimistic side. Not only do they improve your home’s beauty, they also have a therapeutic effect on you and your family. And of course - don’t forget to hang your family picture on the wall. It can keep you feeling inspired every day.
Lighten up your space.
A good lighting can make a big difference. Not only does it add a new dimension to your house, it also adds warmth and personality. Good lighting can really uplift your home interiors, so as your mood. You can go for LED lights to save on energy costs. They are long-lasting too.
Do some updates.
You need not go for some major home renovation projects. Minor, inexpensive upgrades can go a long way. Maybe you want to change the draperies, get a new set of blinds, a few pillows for your sofa, or a new lamp shade.
Spray some fragrances.
Wonderful scents can liven up your mood. Fragrances register in your brain in a certain way which leads to improvement in mood. A home that smells clean and inviting to everyone is a home where happiness easily blooms. While you can spray your home interior with your favourite freshener, nothing beats doing it naturally. Place a pot of aromatic plant like lavender in your table for that fragrant and mood-boosting feel.
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