Church Power and Control over Spirituality

Mary Wright August 31, 2016

The idea that higher realms exist is generally accepted worldwide, with churches, synagogues and temples taking over the ’official’ role of intermediary. Sadly, centuries of religious dogma have deterred ordinary folks from exploring psychic phenomena, by labelling such actions as heresy, witchcraft, devil worship and so on.

Barriers to God

The opportunity for genuine communion with God (All That Is) was further undermined by the Early Christian Church’s establishment of litany as a major part of each service. Once adopted (c.500AD), heartfelt personal prayer was permanently set aside for stylised devotional responses. To make matters worse, it was all in Latin - a language unknown to the masses. These elaborate ceremonials, undertaken in a foreign tongue, created a powerful mystique around God - but one which was firmly under The Church’s control. By now the common people had been well distanced from any natural sense of spirituality. Much influenced by the writings of the Early Fathers the Church became increasingly inflexible, denouncing anyone who dared argue a different view. Threats of excommunication, combined with the use of visual imagery of souls roasting in the fires of Hell (on stained glass windows and other church fabric) sustained the belief that eternal damnation awaited anyone who took a step out of line.


These tactics were used deliberately to gain power and control over the laity. But it didn’t stop there. Enlightened religious groups were targeted too. Perceived as a threat to The Church’s supremacy they were sought out ruthlessly and destroyed. In 1208 Pope Innocent called for a ’Holy Crusade’ to be waged on the Cathars in Languedoc, Appointing military leaders to head his ’Holy Army’ this peace loving and spiritually enlightened religious group were massacred in the name of God.

Warfare and Aggression

This may all have been a long time ago but nevertheless it is a useful reminder of mankind’s darker nature. Under the banner of religion, these corrupt leaders convinced their ’flock’ that aggression and atrocities committed against others was a necessity. Purging the earth of rival religions was sold as morally justified for the good of all. This marketing of war as a means to peace and harmony has been a successful tactic over the years (and is still used today). In reality religious righteousness was, and is, an elaborate cover enabling those in power to kill - and yet appear upright and moral at the same time. World history is littered with bloody wars undertaken in the name of God.

Winners and Losers

But there are no real winners in this power game. In its own way karma will always balance the score (see my blog article ’Karmic Debt’). Such terrible behaviour, as experienced in religious persecution, has a detrimental effect on soul growth, and that will impact greatly on those perpetrators of violence. Much modern day physical and emotional suffering has its origins in immoral past life behaviour.

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