6 Steps to Make Your Day a ‘One Fine Day’

Amy Taylor August 10, 2016

Too often, we consider doing some self-help techniques only during difficult times - when we are stressed at work, dealing with relationship problems, taking a new risk, facing a major transition, and so on. But many psychiatrists believe that aside from the major roadblocks, we should also look into being more compassionate to ourselves on the everyday. After all, what happens to our everyday life impact our personality and well-being in the long run. 

Sure there will be bad days. But you can experience more ‘fine days’ by following these strategies: 

Do something meaningful. 

Don’t let a day pass without doing something meaningful. Reach out to a friend in need, feed a stray animal, brighten up someone’s mood by greeting them with a smile, pick up a piece of garbage from the street, spend time playing with your child. No matter how small that is, doing something that improves the world, will make your everyday more meaningful as well. 

Learn something new. 

Each day should be a learning experience. We shouldn’t stop discovering things. Otherwise, we would stop growing as a person. Look for opportunities to expand your learning every day. Whether it is by reading a book, watching a TV show, or conversing with other people - you’d find many ways to expand your horizon. 

Challenge yourself. 

Never stop challenging yourself. If you did a one-minute plank yesterday, try doing one-and-a-half today. Life becomes more enjoyable and meaningful when we try to push ourselves, dig deeper, and stride higher. It might feel scary at first. But once you succeed in that challenge, it feels so much rewarding.

Make someone’s day. 

Hold open the door for someone, share your food, buy your friend a coffee, or assist an elderly crossing the street. Do something that will light up someone else’s day, even if that person is a stranger. Doing random acts of kindness have a ‘bounce back’ effect on you. Yes, you’d feel great too. 

Nourish your mind and body. 

Keep nourishing your mind and body. A great day begins with a healthy body. Squeeze time for exercise, eat healthy food, and get enough sleep and rest. When your mind and body are in optimal condition, your decisions, behaviour and actions will certainly be good too. 

Think forward. 

Each day, you must try to do something for your long-term goal. If your goal is to come up with your own business but you don’t have the resources yet, you can still do so many things today to bring you at least one step closer to your dream. You can study and improve your knowledge on it, master the craft, build connections, and so on. 

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