Key Principles Happy People Live By

Amy Taylor August 15, 2016

It is everyone’s dream to be happy. We wake up, prepare for another day, work, go home, and pursue our goals and passion in life because at the end of the day, we just want to be happy. But happiness, for many people, doesn’t come easy. Many people are successful in their chosen paths but are still unhappy. So if it isn’t success, money or fame that make us really happy, what is it then?

It turns out, the road to happiness isn’t complicated at all. It’s actually ‘us’ - the people - who just complicate things. If you every want to be truly happy, you’ve got to step back and make an honest assessment of your life right now. Then, check if you live with these key principles which people who are genuinely happy live by:

Self-worth comes from within.

Many people live their life trying to meet the expectations of others. Once some people disprove our choices, some of us choose not to pursue their goals anymore and just settle on doing things that they really can’t connect to. Other people’s opinion shouldn’t affect how you feel about yourself. They may say negative things about you and your choices but it’s up to you if you will let them affect you or ignore their opinion and push through with what you really want in life. If there’s someone who should believe more in your capabilities and encourage you to unleash your full potential, it should be no one else but ‘you’. Only when you realise your self-worth does happiness start to bloom within.

Happiness is a choice.

So you just got fired, broke up from your long-time partner, left home. Despite all the difficulties you are going through right now, you can still make a conscious effort to be happy. That’s what happy people do. They understand that happiness is a choice. If you keep thinking that only until you get something will you be happy, guess what - you will never be happy.

Past is past.

There is a saying that “past is past”. And it makes perfect sense. No matter how tragic or traumatising one’s past has been, the reality remains that they can’t turn back time and undo the mistakes or prevent that event from happening. It can be difficult to recover from past hurts. Nonetheless, it is possible. If you constantly feel bitter and relentless about your past, you won’t be able to move forward. And you won’t be able to truly feel happy. If you are having troubles recovering from past trauma, know that help is always available. Seek support from your loved ones or consider undergoing therapy. Conversely, don’t let the good memories hold you back from progressing your life. Remember, the best is yet to come. Rather, embrace the present moment and allow life’s amazing ways of making you happy.

Everyone is incomparable.

We are born unique. No two person is 100% alike. Even identical twins could bear differences. This means comparing ourselves to other people makes no sense at all. You might feel terrible after seeing your friends on Facebook posting about their recent vacations and achievements while here you are - just trying to make it through the day and feeling tired. Instead of focusing on other people, why not focus on improving yourself? You are special, beautiful, talented, and successful in your own ways. You shouldn’t feel small. You should focus on your personal growth. And once you do, amazing things happen.

Which of these key principles do you think you apply in your life at the moment? How does it affect your happiness level? We’d love to hear your thoughts. Feel free to post a comment below.

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