How to Be Productive at Work When You’re Battling with Depression

Amy Taylor November 01, 2013

Mental health problems such as depression are one of the leading causes of absences and productivity issues among employees. In 2010, a survey conducted by the UK IDEA (European Depression Association (EDA) revealed that 26 per cent of people in the UK have depression, and this mental illness is costing the government £105.2 billion each year – w

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UK Researchers Develop New Screening Test that Identifies 7 Forms of Breast Cancer

Lisa Franchi November 01, 2013

A medical test which can identify seven types of breast cancer may be available within the next two years, UK experts revealed. According to them, the new screening method may tailor treatments better and boost survival rates. Since 1997, breast cancer remains to be the most common cancer in the UK, despite the fact that it’s rare in men. Each year, a

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12 Germ Hotspots in Your Home

Sharon Moore November 01, 2013

You may scrub the toilet and countertops until they shine, but the following bacteria breeding grounds need your attention too. Washing Machine Think this is the cleanest place in your home? Unfortunately, it’s not. Dirty laundry can fill your washer with tons of bacteria and viruses. To keep it fresh, run your washer empty with a cup of bleach. Do t

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10 Secrets of Happy Workers Revealed!

Rebecca Lewis October 31, 2013

What makes an employee happy? What makes them feel satisfied with their job? Just because we don’t like our job doesn’t mean we can never be happy about it. If you are looking to improve your work experience, consider incorporating these tips in your life: 1.       They job craft. Not all people are lucky enough to

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Rejoicing in Other People’s Misfortune May Be Biological, Study Finds

Amy Taylor October 31, 2013

Don’t blame yourself from feeling quite happy about other people’s misfortune. According to a new study by Princeton University, schadenfreude may actually be biological, and that who the misfortune befalls is a critical factor in how we react. The researchers conducted four separate experiments to examine the reason behind schadenfreude. In one

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Placebo Effect Improves Both Pleasure and Pain in Subjective and Neural Level

Lisa Franchi October 31, 2013

One of the most remarkable abilities of the human brain is the so called ‘placebo effect’, which happens when you decide a therapy will make you better and your belief makes it so. Now, scientists at the University of Gothenburg and University of Oslo, using functional magnetic resonance imaging technique, found that the placebo effect may not on

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Using Negative Emotions to Your Advantage

Sharon Moore October 31, 2013

We all experience negative emotions from time to time, to name a few – despair, frustration, anger, disappointment, anxiety and fear. Sometimes, these emotions can be overwhelming and difficult to handle. As a result, we end up being eaten by these unwanted feelings, causing us to say or do something that’s really against our will. The good news

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12 Easy, Quick Tricks to Improve Your Mood

Sharon Moore October 30, 2013

Bad day? Just because your day didn’t start right doesn’t mean it will not end right. Even during the most stressful situations, it’s good to know that there are easy, quick remedies for your mood problems. Research suggests that life’s circumstances only account for 10% of happiness. About 40% of our happiness is influenced by what w

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How Texting May Be Ruining Your Life and Health

Amy Taylor October 30, 2013

Nearly 5,000 text messages are being sent every second in the UK. From 39.7 billion at the end of last year, the total number of text messages sent by Britons has reached 38.5 billion this year, according to a report published in Daily Mail. The convenience of text messaging has captured the hearts of most people that it became one of the most common forms o

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New Study Links Emotional Intelligence with Manipulative Behaviour

Rebecca Lewis October 30, 2013

We are all encouraged to cultivate our emotional intelligence – the ability to identify, assess, and control our emotions and that of other people. But even though it is greatly beneficial in establishing social relationships and prosocial behaviours, a new study found that emotional intelligence also has a downside. In a series of experiments, resear

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