10 Secrets of Happy Workers Revealed!

Rebecca Lewis October 31, 2013

What makes an employee happy? What makes them feel satisfied with their job? Just because we don’t like our job doesn’t mean we can never be happy about it. If you are looking to improve your work experience, consider incorporating these tips in your life:

1.       They job craft. Not all people are lucky enough to land the perfect job. But getting your dream job does not guarantee that it’ll make you happy. Job crafting is the process employees do to create a better work environment, and increase their job satisfaction, resilience, and sense of well-being at work. How can you make your work environment a happier place? Befriend positive people, set realistic expectations, find balance in your personal and work life, and learn stress coping mechanisms.

2.       They give time for humour. Humour helps build positive emotions and reduce negative ones like depression, sadness and anxiety. Even faking a smile can do wonders in your mood. Whenever you feel ‘stressed out’ at work, watch a funny video on YouTube or read a comic book. As the old saying goes – laughter is the best medicine.

3.       They cultivate resilience. Resilience is a skill that is necessary to survive life’s challenges. Resilient employees are more confident, creative and energetic. As a result, they are able to come up with the best solutions for problems and tough assignments.

4.       The take ‘stress’ positively. We can never completely avoid stress. But then, we can effectively manage it. According to an article written by a health psychologist Dr Kelly McGonigal, “The Upside of Stress”, people who learned to view their stress response as helpful to their performance were much less stressed, less anxious, and more confident.

5.       They are hopeful. Dr Shane Lopez, a senior scientist at Gallup University, says “Hopeful salespeople reach their quotas more often; hopeful mortgage brokers process and close more loans; and hopeful managing executives meet their quarterly goals more frequently”.

6.       They socialise with others. Organisations or groups provide a venue for employees to cultivate a sense of belongingness, deal with their weaknesses and improve their skills. Find your group – circle of friends who share the same interests with you. They can be a good source of support.

7.       They live in the NOW. Whilst at work, happy employees are focused on their tasks, making sure that they are able to perform their assignments with efficiency. Even though they experience burnout, they are able to handle their emotions effectively. One good way to do this is to practise mindfulness – the intentional awareness of the present. Meditation and yoga are two great practices for cultivating mindfulness.

8.       They manage pessimistic thinking. We all have our ‘inner critics’ to deal with. They are our pessimistic side. But happy employees are good at handling their inner critics. How? They cultivate optimism. According to the study published in 2006 in the journal Psychosomatic Medicine, optimistic thinkers are healthier. They are also happier and less depressed, suggests another study which appeared in the Templeton Foundation Press.

9.       They are grateful. Happy employees are people with high sense of gratitude. They appreciate even the smallest achievements.

10.   They practice healthy competition. We can’t ever eradicate competition in any organisation or any industry. But highly effective employees don’t waste their time and energy in scheming and undermining others. In fact, they encourage their peers to grow and improve.

Now it’s your turn. Which of these traits do you observe?