Aspirin May Not Be Good for Healthy Older Adults, Study Finds

Lisa Franchi October 25, 2013

Older people, especially those over 50, are often encouraged by doctors to take aspirin to reduce their risk of heart attack and cancer. But according to a comprehensive review carried out by the NHS, daily use of aspirin may be ‘risky’ for healthy individuals. The NHS National Institute for Health Research, in collaboration with Warwick Medical

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Children Exposed to Arts & Music More Likely to Succeed as Adults

Sharon Moore October 25, 2013

Here’s one more reason to encourage your child to join arts and crafts activities – it can increase their chances of becoming successful artists and entrepreneurs, a new study suggests. Researchers at Michigan State University examined a group of MSU Honours College graduates from 1990 to 1995 who majored in science, technology, engineering or m

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Rewiring Your Brain to Be Happier – 6 Steps

Lisa Franchi October 24, 2013

Don’t blame yourself for seeing the glass ‘half empty’ rather than ‘half full’. A large body of research tells us that our brain is hardwired to think negatively. Scientists call it the “negativity bias”. That’s why we find it hard to forget negative events. For example, if you had experienced being bitten by a

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Habits that Promote Restful Sleep

Sharon Moore October 24, 2013

If you’re like most people, chances are, your never-ending “to-do” list doesn’t include one very important task – relaxation. You probably are too busy that you don’t have the luxury of time to take a nap in the middle of the day, go early to bed, or take a stroll around the neighbourhood. But did you know that your body n

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Lack of Sleep Linked to Alzheimer’s Causing Plaque Build-up in the Brain

Rebecca Lewis October 24, 2013

Older adults who get less sleep tend to have higher levels of disease-causing toxins in the brain, such as beta amyloid, which is known to trigger Alzheimer’s disease, a new study suggests. On the other hand, those who get more sleep had less of the disease’s hallmark plaques in their brain. Thanks to the development of high-end brain scanning t

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Light – A Potential Therapy against Multiple Sclerosis and Other Degenerative Diseases

Amy Taylor October 24, 2013

Scientists have known for years that certain wavelengths of light have therapeutic benefits but are still unsure of how exactly the process works. Now, a new study suggests that exposure to a certain wavelength of light called near-infrared (NIR) may help treat early symptoms of multiple sclerosis, a disease that leads to progressive paralysis of the human b

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Dealing with Major Life Changes – 8 Practical Strategies

Sharon Moore October 23, 2013

They say nothing is constant in this world but change. In life, changes are inevitable. You will meet new people, you will lose some. You will grow old and there will be things you won’t be able to do anymore. You will achieve new accomplishments, but you will also encounter failures. All these changes, big or small, can have a dramatic impact on your

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How to Live to 100 – Health & Life Tips from Centenarians

Rebecca Lewis October 23, 2013

Do you want to live to 100? Sure you do! Whilst there are several factors that affect life expectancy (including genes), there’s no doubt that health and lifestyle are among those that play a huge role. There’s no precise formula to living long. But there are plenty of ways to increase your lifespan and quality of life. Here are some health and l

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Childhood Poverty & Stress May Affect Brain Function in Adults, Scientists Find

Amy Taylor October 23, 2013

Children who have experienced poverty whilst growing up are more susceptible to experiencing emotion regulation issues when they become adults. That is, they are more likely to develop depression, anxiety, addiction and impulsive aggression, new research has found. Researchers at the UIC, Cornell University, University of Michigan and University of Denver e

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Exercise Improves Teens’ Performance in School, Research Finds

Lisa Franchi October 23, 2013

Exercise doesn’t only make you physically strong. It may also help sharpen your mental prowess. That’s according to a new study that involved more than 5,000 teenagers. Majority of teenagers are more interested in watching TV, surfing the web, and engaging in unhealthy behaviours than practising positive habits like exercising. But physical act

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