Gardening Could Promote Long Life, Study Says

Lisa Franchi October 30, 2013

The benefits of gardening extend well beyond adding beauty to your turf. According to a new study, pottering around the garden or fixing the house provides protection against life-threatening illnesses, including heart disease, and could promote longer life. Researchers from Karolinska University Hospital in Stockholm looked at the activity levels in-betwee

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Stuck with Marriage Problems? 8 Steps to Deal with It

Rebecca Lewis October 29, 2013

There’s no perfect marriage. Even couples who say they are happily married go through ups and downs, occasional fights and misunderstandings. But many end up with divorce not because the love is gone but because they wait until it’s too late to get the help necessary to save their marriage. If the flow of your relationship is going through lots o

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Music Therapy Helps Mental Health Patients with Low Motivation to Treatments

Lisa Franchi October 29, 2013

In a randomised controlled study published in the journal Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics, researchers have examined the effectiveness of music therapy as an intervention treatment for people suffering from mental health problems, such as schizophrenia, depression and substance abuse. Music therapy is the clinical and evidence-based use of music interventi

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Hypnotherapy & CBT: Effective Therapies for Functional Bowel Disorders

Amy Taylor October 29, 2013

People suffering from a functional bowel disorder such as irritable bowel syndrome may benefit from complementary therapies particularly hypnosis and cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), according to the new research by the University of Florida in the US. Irritable bowel syndrome or IBS is among the most common digestive problems which can cause diarrhoea,

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Your Health on Yoga – 10 Major Benefits of Regular Practice

Sharon Moore October 29, 2013

Yoga is one of the most popular fitness disciplines in the country today, being practised by the young and old, students and professionals, athletes and sport enthusiasts, and even celebrities and famous personalities. This mind-body technique is touted for its ability to alleviate stress, promote balance and flexibility, and boost well-being. Today, let&rsq

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How to Stay Sharp in Old Age

Amy Taylor October 28, 2013

They say memory declines with age. Just like the rest of our body, our brain is not immune from ageing. Not only does it affect our memory, but also our executive function – the form of complex thinking needed to make choices, plan, initiate actions, and inhibit impulses,  according to a a research published in the 2010 issue of the Harvard Health

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Dealing With Your Inner Critic – 4 Crucial Steps

Rebecca Lewis October 28, 2013

Deny it or not – sometimes, we are our worst critics.  When making decisions, pursuing a new career, or taking risks, we often struggle with the inner critic inside us, someone who always reminds us that disappointment, frustration and failure are just around the corner – ready to conquer us. It is the voice that only ourselves can hear, but

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The ‘Beautiful’ Benefits of Sleep

Lisa Franchi October 28, 2013

  What’s your beauty secret? Perhaps you have a few. Is sleep one of them? Beauty sleep is no myth. Vast studies have found that when we are asleep, our body undergoes comprehensive repair and healing process that promotes youthful glow and combats ageing. Here are some amazing benefits of beauty sleep: It promotes healthy, young-looking skin.

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The Science of Friendship: Are We Wired to Be Social?

Amy Taylor October 25, 2013

We all know the health basics: eat fruits and vegetables, exercise, and get enough rest and sleep. It appears though, from psychological perspective, that these are not enough for us to survive. Being ‘social beings’, we also need to establish social connections. That is, make friends with others. Plenty of studies tell us that social connection

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Top 12 Diet Mistakes You Keep Doing Again and Again

Rebecca Lewis October 25, 2013

Have you tried several weight loss programmes but couldn’t see any result? When you are trying to lose weight, it’s normal to feel overwhelmed with all the diet rules. Eat this, avoid that, do this, don’t do that, etc. If the scale seems stuck, or your weight keeps going up and down, you probably are doing some of these diet mistakes: You&

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