10 Really Scary Facts about Stress

Lisa Franchi March 10, 2014

 Stress – we all have it. But to what extent does it impact our health? How does it affect our daily life and well-being? Is there any difference between minor and major stress? The following facts might just encourage you to start taking stress management very seriously from now on. Your body doesn’t recognise small or big stress. Rega

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6 Things that Prove Rejection Hurts

Sharon Moore March 07, 2014

Rejection hurts. We all know it. But its impact on our well-being could be more serious than we thought. So today, let’s tackle some of the interesting facts about rejection that decades of research have uncovered. Rejection is painful, literally. Brain scan studies on rejection have found that feelings of rejection activate the same areas that are

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Planning to Get Pregnant? Here’s What You Should Eat

Rebecca Lewis March 07, 2014

Apart from exercise and relaxation, nutrition is a crucial factor for healthy and safe pregnancy. It is important that your body is nourished with essential compounds that you can get from natural sources, particularly fruits and vegetables. They will all prepare your body for the new life it will soon support. For a healthy pregnancy, here are some foods

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Women Who Use Facebook More Often are at a Higher Risk of Eating Disorders

Lisa Franchi March 07, 2014

Women who gave more importance on receiving ‘likes’ and ‘comments’ on their Facebook status updates, and those who were more likely to un-tag photos of themselves and compare their own photos with that of their friends, reported the highest levels of disordered eating – new research revealed. Researchers from Florida State Un

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Gut Microbes May Play a Role in Bowel Cancer

Amy Taylor March 07, 2014

The microbes living in the gut could spur the development of intestinal tumours that lead to bowel cancer, a new study suggests. Bowel cancer or colorectal cancer, results from a series of genetic changes that cause healthy cells to become progressively cancerous, first forming early tumours called ‘polyps’ that can eventually become malignant

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5 Things Confident People Do Differently

Rebecca Lewis March 06, 2014

We sometimes envy them – those who people who believed and did it. Those who think and believe they can get promoted, succeed in a new business venture, fit into smaller jeans, or marry the man/woman of their dreams – and did. What sets them apart from others? Yes, you got it right – self-belief. Confidence is such a good trait. You&rsqu

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Meat-Rich Diet Could Up Cancer Risk Like Smoking Does, Long-term Study Finds

Amy Taylor March 06, 2014

A 20-year study which involved a large sample of adults found that eating a diet rich in animal proteins during middle age makes people four times more likely to die of cancer than someone with a low-protein diet—a mortality risk factor comparable to smoking. Not only is excessive protein consumption linked to a dramatic rise in cancer mortality, bu

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WHO: Daily Sugar Intake ‘Should Be Halved’

Lisa Franchi March 06, 2014

Sooner, people will be advised to halve their daily sugar intake. The new guidelines from the World Health Organisation will reduce sugar consumption to make it below 10% of the total calorie intake a day, with 5% the target. The suggested limits apply to all sugars added to food, as well as sugar naturally present in honey, syrups, fruit juices and frui

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Key Health Benefits of Thyme

Sharon Moore March 06, 2014

Thyme is a delicate herb that is known for its penetrating fragrance. Dried or fresh, thyme is a great addition to bean, egg and vegetable dishes. Along with parsley and bay leaves, thyme is used in a French combination of herbs to season stock, stews and soups. But just like other herbs, it isn’t just good for your taste bud, but for your health as we

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What Makes an Effective Therapist?

Amy Taylor March 05, 2014

It is easy to regard pill as the magic solution to all our mental health problems, from anxiety to ADHD and depression. Research on the effectiveness of these medications has shown that they are effective in alleviating symptoms of severe mental illness. But the thing is that they are not effective for mild to moderate depression. And most importantly, the

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