Simple Strategies to Prevent Memory Loss

Sharon Moore February 26, 2014

No one can escape ageing. It is a part of life. Whether we want it or not, we will grow old. But the good news is that there are many things we can do to slow down the ageing process, particularly mental decline. No matter what your age, here are simple, safe and effective ways to boost your brain power and prevent memory loss. Try incorporating them in y

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Vegetarian Diet Linked to Lower Blood Pressure

Lisa Franchi February 26, 2014

A diet rich in vegetables may have blood pressure lowering effects similar to the commonly recommended lifestyle modifications like weight reduction of at least 5 kilograms and a low-sodium diet, a review of studies found. The review suggests that eating a vegetarian diet is associated with lower blood pressure levels compared with an omnivorous diet. Suc

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What to Do When Someone You Love has ADHD

Amy Taylor February 26, 2014

Last time, we talked about how to support someone with depression. And like depression, ADHD is often a misunderstood mental health problem. For instance, many people think that only children can have ADHD, and it is an academic problem or an issue with focusing. But according to Roberto Olivardia, Ph.D., a clinical psychologist and clinical instructor in th

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Safe but Expensive Magnetic Treatment offers New Hope for Depression

Lisa Franchi February 25, 2014

Depression is one of the most common and debilitating mental health disorders affecting millions of people worldwide. Worse, nearly a third of those who suffer from this mental illness find no relief from the flood of antidepressants available in the market today. But here’s the good news – depression patients may find relief from a new but ex

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Diets high in Meat May Increase Dementia Risk, Study Finds

Sharon Moore February 25, 2014

Cooking meat leads to the production of advanced glycation end products (AGES) which cause a build-up of dangerous proteins in the brain, leading to impaired cognitive function – a new study found. AGES have also been linked to diseases such as type-2 diabetes. Such compounds are formed when proteins or fats react with sugar. This can happen natural

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Raising Your Self-Esteem amidst Difficult Times

Amy Taylor February 25, 2014

It is really difficult to try lifting your self-esteem up during bad times – when you’re dealing with a disability, when you’re having a difficult time getting along with someone you care about, when you are being pushed to your limits at work, when you’re going through financial difficulties, and so on. In times like these, all yo

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10 Superfoods to Ease Anxiety

Rebecca Lewis February 25, 2014

It is normal to feel anxious at times. That’s part of your survival instinct. But if anxiety is already disrupting your daily activities, health and well-being, now is the time to seek therapy. There are various treatments, such as counselling and cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) that can help you overcome anxiety disorder. Aside from these, positiv

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Sedentary Behaviour Linked to Disability Regardless of Regular Exercise, Study Finds

Rebecca Lewis February 24, 2014

People over the age of 60 who spend more time sitting have double the risk of being disabled, regardless of their levels of physical activity, reported a new study. There are over 11 million people with a limiting long term illness, impairment or disability in Great Britain, according to the 2008 Fair Treatment at Work Survey. In the US, disability affect

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Bright Light Intensifies Emotions, Which May Affect Decision Making

Amy Taylor February 24, 2014

Got an important decision to make? It may be helpful to dim the lights first. That’s because human emotions, negative or positive, are felt more intensely under bright light, according to a new study. Researchers from the University of Toronto Scarborough and Rotman School of Management conducted a series of studies to examine the relationship betwe

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Ways to Motivate Yourself to Work

Sharon Moore February 24, 2014

No matter how much you love your job, admit it – there are times when you just don’t have the energy to work anymore (at least for a day or two). We all need a break from work. And that desire to take some time off, if ignored, could lead to worse outcomes like depression, anxiety and substance abuse. What’s more, it makes us unproductive a

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