Scientists Explain Why Autism is More Common in Males

Rebecca Lewis March 05, 2014

Experts have long known that the rate of neurodevelopmental disorders, such as autism, is higher in men than in women. But then, the underlying reasons remained unclear. Now, a new study published in the American Journal of Human Genetics provides an explanation for this observation. In the study, researchers present compelling evidence that females requi

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Plant Extract May Help Fight Floppy Baby Syndrome, Study Suggests

Lisa Franchi March 05, 2014

Scientists at Edinburgh University have discovered that a chemical found in plants may have beneficial effects for babies suffering from a rare muscle disease called floppy baby syndrome. Floppy baby syndrome is the term that is commonly used to denote a medical condition called hypotonia. This rare condition (affecting one in 6,000 babies) is characteris

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Fruit and Vegetable Parts you’re not Eating (That You Should)

Sharon Moore March 05, 2014

You know that fruits and vegetables are good for you so you make sure you add them in your daily diet. You probably enjoy eating apples, Swiss chard, oranges, etc., everyday because you know they can contribute to your health and wellness. But the question is – are you getting the most out of these superfoods? It would be easier to get the nutrients yo

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How to Be More Innovative in Life

Rebecca Lewis March 04, 2014

Innovation is not only crucial in the field of science or business. It is also important in many other areas, particularly in life and success. Being innovative means having the ability to come up with better solutions, and this skill can make you a winner in life. Before he passed away, Richard Hamming, an American mathematician whose work has many impli

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Anger Linked to Stroke and Heart Attack

Lisa Franchi March 04, 2014

Don’t let those little nuisances get into you. According to researchers, having a hot temper could increase your risk of having heart attack or stroke. They identified a dangerous period of about two hours following an outburst when people were at heightened risk. But the researchers note that more work is needed to understand the link and find out

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Difficult People in Your Workplace and How to Deal with Them

Amy Taylor March 04, 2014

The workplace can be a real source of stress, not only because of the unending workload but also because there you’ll find people with different personalities – the know-it-alls, the bullies, the back biters, and the rumour mongers. And more than the workload, dealing with these people make a lot of employees quit their jobs. Well, you don&rsq

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Yoga Helps Breast Cancer Patients During and After Treatments

Sharon Moore March 04, 2014

Yoga offers significant benefits to women undergoing radiation therapy for breast cancer. The new findings, which appeared in the Journal of Clinical Oncology, found that yoga may not only help fight fatigue, but also improve the general health, mobility and stress levels of patients. 191 women with breast cancer (stage 0-3) were randomized to one of thre

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Persistent Childhood Nightmares Linked to Mental Health Disorders Later in Life

Amy Taylor March 03, 2014

Most children had nightmares. But persistent ones may be a sign of something more serious, like a psychotic disorder – new research found. Researchers from University of Warwick found that regular nightmare may be an early warning sign of psychotic disorder. Having night terrors, such as screaming and thrashing limbs while asleep, also heightened th

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11 Ways to Beat Sunday Blues

Sharon Moore March 03, 2014

In a study carried out by Mind, a charity based in England, more than 26 per cent of employees reported dread and apprehension on Sundays – or on the day before they were due to go back to work after the weekend. All these create tension and stress, leaving us all bummed the entire day and lacking the enthusiasm to start the week right. If you’re

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Scientists Find the Reason Why Dark Chocolate Boosts Heart Health

Rebecca Lewis March 03, 2014

You probably heard that dark chocolate is good for your heart. It’s true. But it was not until recently that scientists figured out why. The new findings, published in The FASEB Journal, suggest that dark chocolate helps restore flexibility to the arteries while also preventing white blood cells from sticking to the walls of blood vessels. A researc

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