Jasmine: Perfect Garden Remedy for Nervous Depression and Anxiety

Rosemary Cunningham Reflexology, Emmett Technique, Bowen Therapy in Hadleigh, Benfleet August 08, 2014

I really believe that if a tree or flower is attracting your attention, it has something to offer you.   I noticed this week that within three metres of my house are four different Jasmine bushes!  I love Jasmine.  It signals midsummer, warm evenings and early mornings when the scent lingers on the air and stops me as I walk out in my g

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How to Meditate Effectively: 3 Crucial Things to Bear in Mind

Rebecca Lewis August 08, 2014

When we’re feeling anxious, afraid or overwhelmed, or when we are in pain, an old-age advice is to “relax and breathe deep”. We know how the simple act of relaxation can quell negative emotions and uplift our sense of well-being. And speaking of relaxation, meditation is an ancient practice that has been proven to be a meaningful resource

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New Study Confirms Link Between Low Vitamin D Levels and Alzheimer’s Disease

Lisa Franchi August 08, 2014

People with low levels of vitamin D are significantly more at risk of dementia, particularly Alzheimer’s disease – new research found. Researchers from the University of Exeter Medical School, found that study participants who were severely Vitamin D deficient were more than twice as likely to develop dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. Th

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10 Foods that Nourish Your Hair

Amy Taylor August 08, 2014

Always having a ‘bad hair day’? Then there must be something wrong. Just like any other part of your body, your hair depends on a balanced diet for it to grow fuller and healthier. Unlike in the skin, it can take a few months of nutritional deficiency for the signs to show up in the hair. And you don’t want this to happen. Lack of nutrition

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6 Psychotherapy Exercises to Rebuild Intimacy

Sharon Moore August 07, 2014

Do you feel less close to your partner than you were years ago? Do you feel like he or she has changed? Do you no longer feel the ‘flame’? Do you think both of you are losing it? Before you resort to extreme remedies (such as cheating, breaking up with your partner or filing a divorce), you may want pause for a while and try to figure out t

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Just One Question Can Identify Who’s the Narcissist, Researchers Say

Lisa Franchi August 07, 2014

Researchers from Ohio State University have developed a new method that can identify which people are narcissistic.  And such method only involves a single question. In a series of 11 experiments involving more than 2,200 people of all ages, the researchers found they could reliably identify narcissistic people by asking them this exact question (i

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9 Things Real Friends Can Teach You about Life

Rebecca Lewis August 07, 2014

We learn a lot from other people, especially those we get to spend more time with, like our parents, siblings and of course – our friends. Even though they are not part of our ‘blood line’, we find happiness, comfort and security in our social circles. If you have plenty of friends who genuinely care about you, make sure to thank them and

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5 Things that Optimistic People Prioritise (That You Should Too)

Rebecca Lewis August 06, 2014

Research shows that people who are able to see the glass half full tend to be happier, more contented in life, and most of all – healthier than those who see it half empty. You know that an optimistic mentality can bring you many benefits, and that include less stress, more friends, more opportunities, and more success. So if you are the kind of person

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Scientists Develop Mathematic Formula that May Accurately Predict Happiness

Lisa Franchi August 06, 2014

Researchers from the University College London developed a mathematic equation which accurately predicted the happiness of over 18,000 people worldwide. The said equation suggests that moment-to-moment happiness reflects not just how well things are going, but whether things are going better than expected. According to the scientists, overall wealth accumul

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10 Unbelievable Reasons Why Eggs are a ‘Superfood’

Amy Taylor August 06, 2014

Sure, there are many ways to cook an egg. And there are many reasons to love it too. Whether you want it eaten fresh, poached or baked, eggs are a nutritional powerhouse that can promote your health and make weight loss easier. Here are the top reasons why you should make eggs part of your regular diet: They’re an excellent protein source. You need

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