Jasmine: Perfect Garden Remedy for Nervous Depression and Anxiety

Rosemary Cunningham Reflexology, Emmett Technique, Bowen Therapy in Hadleigh, Benfleet August 08, 2014

I really believe that if a tree or flower is attracting your attention, it has something to offer you.   I noticed this week that within three metres of my house are four different Jasmine bushes! 

I love Jasmine.  It signals midsummer, warm evenings and early mornings when the scent lingers on the air and stops me as I walk out in my garden.

In my work with clients, whether Bowen and reflexology or coaching, issues always come up for healing.  There’s nothing like running your own business to bring up all your inadequacies that need healing and nature’s gifts are around us to help us heal ourselves.

In my aromatherapy training I learnt that jasmine is an unusual essential oil as it traditionally extracted with a process called enfleurage. 

The flowers are picked and placed on trays covered with a thin layer of fat, now often palm oil.  The essential oils from the flowers slowly migrate to the oil.   The flowers are then removed and another layer added until the oil or fat is completely saturated. The Jasmine oil is then separated from the palm oil by alcohol which then evaporates, leaving only the pure Jasmine oil.

I still have two very old bottles of Jasmine Enfleurage which is a dark brown in colour and incredibly potent, too strong for most people.  In a blend, a very little goes a long way, sometimes a pin head amount is enough in a blend.

Jasmine in aromatherapy is often used for dry and sensitive skin, labour pains and for exhaustion. 

I’ve found that people in acute anxiety are often attracted to jasmine and it can be part of an effective remedy for nervous anxiety, restlessness and sometimes depression.

It is also very useful when we have fear and anxiety which has left us vulnerable and unable to share affection or physical attention.   My aromatherapy mentor, Gabriel Mojay says jasmine can help with depression that arises from constraint and repression.

According to Flowers for Healing website, “The Jasmine essence stimulates the God spark that resides within the heart chakra. It is for living in the NOW and it will help unload the burdens of the past, leaving them behind.

The effect of this essence may bring memories of past experiences to consciousness. It would be a useful practise to place any arising memory within a bubble and let it go out to the universe with love, and with gratitude for the lessons it has taught you. You no longer need this memory and this will leave the path clear for you to move on”.

It is also said to help with physical clearing of mucus.

The affirmation to go with jasmine is this.

“I release memories of past experiences with love and gratitude, clearing the path ahead of me I live totally in the NOW”

I recommend buying one of the inexpensive indoor jasmine plants that are widely available now. They will smell amazing, flower for a few weeks and then can be planted outdoors.