9 Things Real Friends Can Teach You about Life

Rebecca Lewis August 07, 2014

We learn a lot from other people, especially those we get to spend more time with, like our parents, siblings and of course – our friends. Even though they are not part of our ‘blood line’, we find happiness, comfort and security in our social circles. If you have plenty of friends who genuinely care about you, make sure to thank them and give them a big, tight hug RIGHT NOW.

They may not be teachers, psychologists or philosophers. But real friends can teach you several things about life. And they include the following:

Respect is at the core of any relationship.

No one will always agree with you, just as you won’t always agree with someone else’s views and opinions. What is more important is that you respect them, and they respect you too.   

Truthfulness matters.

In life, there are true and untrue people. You’ve got to be cautious of the latter. They might be concealing themselves to either take advantage of you or destroy you. Real friends don’t talk behind each other’s back. What you see is what you get. They know dishonesty does nothing but ruin their relationship.

Forget all the haters, somebody loves you.

No human being is perfect. We have our own set of flaws and imperfections. And some people are going to hate you for these. You may not be liked and appreciated by others but there’s always be someone (or a few) who do. Good friends accept each other despite their shortcomings and weaknesses. They see past the surface. They see nothing but goodness in you.

Compassion means comfort.

Kindness is like a pill that eases emotional pain without a side effect. It doesn’t only relieve the pain, but also replaces it with joy and gladness. Real friends are those who stay with you through thick and thin. They show underlying kindness and support especially when times get rough.

Forgiveness gives you peace of mind.

Like your relationship with your siblings, it is normal that you have arguments with your friends sometimes. The most important thing is that you are able to resolve the issue, forget the mistakes, and forgive. Real friends have the courage to reach out directly rather than gossip with others, or treat you unkindly. They understand. And that’s because they have forgiving hearts.

Your happiness could be others’ happiness too.

Real friends want nothing but your success and happiness. They don’t get jealous of your victories, rather celebrate them with you. They are there to support your personal journey and cheer you up when the road gets rough. In life, you will meet people who will pull you down when you go up, and are happy to know you fall. But there are also those who are genuinely happy to see you progress and be the person you want to be.

Change is inevitable.

You may have less time for your friends now than 10 years ago. And it’s not because you no longer care about one another. It could be that you are all busy with your respective careers, family and other responsibilities. Changes are inevitable. Real friends give each other time and space to grow. Shifts in interests, hobbies and perceptions are normal as people grow mature. But they call for understanding and acceptance, not criticism.

Friendship is a give-and-take relationship.

In friendships, there shouldn’t be a person who will be treated as the star and another as a servant. Friendship is about taking turns, understanding and being understood, loving and being loved, appreciating and being appreciated. There shouldn’t be dominion but fairness and equality.

Celebrations do matter.

Whether it is a grand reunion or a simple get-together at a coffee shop, quality time is essential to building a strong and lasting relationship with others. Fun memories are what make friendships more special.

For you, what’s the best thing about having real friends? We’d love to hear your thoughts. Feel free to drop a comment below.