The Real Deal with Suicide (Hint: It’s Not About Wanting to Die)

Lisa Franchi May 28, 2015

According to the latest figures from the Office for National Statistics (ONS), there was a 4% increase in the rate of suicide in the United Kingdom among people over the age of 15 – from 5,981 in 2012 to 6,233 in 2013. Suicide has always been a growing concern, not just in developing countries but also in the developed ones like Europe and US. In UK,

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Here’s why Laughter is the Best Medicine (Top 10 Health Benefits of Humour)

Rebecca Lewis May 28, 2015

Laughter is the best medicine, so they say. When you laugh, amazing things happen to your body and to your brain. Below are the top reasons why laughter is the best medicine, and why you should let yourself laugh some more. Laughter boosts your immune system. A laughter day a day can really keep the doctor away by reducing the stress hormones in your body,

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Proteins May Slow Memory Loss in People with Alzheimer’s, Study Finds

Amy Taylor May 25, 2015

A ground-breaking study from Iowa State University suggests that certain proteins may slow the devastating memory loss caused by Alzheimer’s disease. According to the researchers, elevated presence of a protein called neuronal pentraxin-2 may slow cognitive decline and reduce brain atrophy in people with Alzheimer’s disease. "It’s j

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10 Eating Tips for a Longer Life

Sharon Moore May 25, 2015

Long life. It’s something we all dream about. And it’s no secret that when it comes to longevity, proper diet has a crucial role to play. But with all the diet tips here and there, it can be confusing which ones to follow, and which ones really promote longevity. So we’ve come up with this list. Make greens the centre of your diet. A die

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Reasons to Eat More Carbs (& Calories) at Night

Rebecca Lewis May 22, 2015

When you are trying to lose weight, consuming more calories and eating carbs at night may sound counterintuitive. Many health enthusiasts agree that eating bigger meals earlier in the day and less in the afternoon is more advisable for weight loss. And the reason is obvious – by taking majority your calorie consumption earlier, you’d have plenty

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12 Foods that Fire Up Your Love Life

Sharon Moore May 22, 2015

Many people rely on supplements or drugs to somehow improve their sex life. But food can be a natural and even healthier way to get all the energies running, be in the mood, and boost your libido. Not only do they promote sexual function, these foods can also significantly promote your health. Here are some of the best foods that are good for your sexual he

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6 Cancer Facts You Should Know

Lisa Franchi May 21, 2015

CANCER. It really is scary. Just the word gives us chills. And it is more common than we think. Statistics show that one in two women, and one in three men will be diagnosed with cancer in their lifetime. In 2011, 331,487 people in the UK were diagnosed with cancer, and the most common types were breast, lung, and prostate and bowel cancer. But cancer is s

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What Triggers Binge Eating

Sharon Moore May 21, 2015

It is pretty normal to feel hungry than usual after a tough day at the gym, or when you are pregnant or having PMS symptoms. But if you’ve been eating a lot, then something could be wrong. Changes in appetite could be attributed to several factors, such as stress, poor diet, and nutritional imbalances. Below are the most common reasons why you can&rs

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What to Do When Your Partner Has Social Anxiety

Rebecca Lewis May 20, 2015

Social anxiety is one of the most common mental health problems affecting millions of people worldwide. It is more than ‘shyness’. Social anxiety is the persistent and overwhelming fear of social situations, such as speaking to someone over the phone, attending an event, or even going to public spaces. Whilst it is normal to worry about certain s

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Researchers Explain Why Kindness Is Contagious

Amy Taylor May 19, 2015

Watching videos of people helping each other gives us a wonderful feeling. Something unexplainable and magical. Scientists call it moral elevation. Such warm, fuzzy feeling helps explain why quite literally, kindness is contagious. The study, published in the Biological Psychiatry, looked at what moral elevation actually looks like in the brain and body. Re

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