7 Foods You Should Eat if You’re After More Calcium

Amy Taylor June 05, 2015

Calcium is one of the most important minerals needed by our body. It plays a major role in the development and maintenance of healthy bones and teeth, and studies have shown that getting sufficient level of calcium may help prevent osteoporosis. Apart from promoting bone health, calcium is also essential in sending and receiving nerve signals in the body, re

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8 Common Factors that Affect a Woman’s Fertility

Lisa Franchi June 04, 2015

It is a fact that a woman’s fertility decreases with age. But even in her most fertile years, there are different lifestyle and environmental factors that affect a woman’s likelihood of having a baby. Smoking Topping the list is smoking. Not only does it prevent conception, but smoking also harms a developing foetus. A more disturbing finding

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UK office Workers Spend 75 Percent of Their Time at Work Sitting

Rebecca Lewis June 03, 2015

A study published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine that UK office workers spend as much as 75 percent of their time at work sitting down. Too much sitting has been linked to poor health outcomes over the past several years. However, no one had set a baseline for just how much time workers should spend on their feet each day, says Gavin Bradley of Ac

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Great Reasons to Eat More Corn

Amy Taylor June 03, 2015

Is corn healthy or not? This crop has gotten a bad rap over the years because of the issue in genetically modified products. But corn is actually a nutritious food that provides plenty of health benefits. It’s time that you learn about them today. It is rich in antioxidants. Corn is a good source of manganese. It also contains anthocyanins, beta-caro

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Poor Sleep: A Contributor to Alzheimer’s Risk

Sharon Moore June 02, 2015

New research from the University of California, Berkeley found compelling evidence that poor sleep may trigger Alzheimer’s disease attacks the brain’s long-term memory. In particular, scientists found that a deficit of the deep sleep, restorative slumber needed to hit the save button on memories is a channel through which the beta-amyloid protei

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Fostering Personal Growth: 6 Key Steps

Amy Taylor June 02, 2015

Personal growth is something we all want to achieve. It is about exploring ourselves, discovering our strengths and limitations, and opening ourselves to new possibilities. Personal growth is a broad term, and it covers our physical, mental, spiritual and intellectual being. And this what makes our quest to personal development somewhat challenging. But mi

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Impulsive People More Likely to Binge Eat, Study Finds

Sharon Moore June 01, 2015

Those who tend to act rashly are more likely to binge eat when experiencing negative feelings, a US study found. In the study, 14 per cent of people who were unable to control their eating had a tendency to act impulsively when experiencing negative emotions. ’It is human nature to want to turn to something for comfort after a bad day, but what our

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Key Times to See a Therapist

Rebecca Lewis June 01, 2015

Everyone experiences stress, sadness and conflict once in a while. As human beings, it is natural for us to feel worn out, exhausted, and a little helpless. So when we are feeling off, it can be difficult to know when to seek help or just let the unwanted emotion pass. It is a myth that we should have a mental illness first before we see a therapist. And s

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Researchers Reveal Autism’s ’Noisy’ Secret

Sharon Moore May 29, 2015

New research published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences journal provides new data on how sensory stimuli are processed by the brains of individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder. One of the key attributes of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) superior low-level task performance alongside reduced performance in tasks involving processing o

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10 Great Reasons to Eat Papaya

Rebecca Lewis May 29, 2015

Sweet, delicious and has butter-like texture – there’s no wonder why Christopher Columbus called papaya the “fruit of the angels”. Once considered “exotic”, this tropical fruit can now be found in local supermarkets and groceries throughout the year.  Have you tried papaya? You should. Not only does it taste deliciou

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