Fostering Personal Growth: 6 Key Steps
Personal growth is something we all want to achieve. It is about exploring ourselves, discovering our strengths and limitations, and opening ourselves to new possibilities.
Personal growth is a broad term, and it covers our physical, mental, spiritual and intellectual being. And this what makes our quest to personal development somewhat challenging. But mind it – once you’ve attained it, you will be more than happy with what you will find. Also, personal growth is a constant process. As you age, gain new experiences, succeed and fail, you are bound to discover more things about yourself.
The real challenge though is starting. So how do you spark personal growth?
Take time to know yourself.
Personal growth starts with discovering your true self. And it is not only about identifying your likes and dislikes. It’s more about knowing who you truly are as a person. It involves identifying your core values, your behaviour, and how you interact with others.
Meet new people.
Meeting new people doesn’t just open you to new friendships. It also opens you to new learning. It broadens your horizon and uncover more opportunities. Connect with people who can help you thrive as a person, not pull you down or push you backwards.
Spend more time with nature.
Find time in your busy schedule to go out and breathe some fresh air. Take a walk into the park, camp with friends, go to the beach, or redo your garden. Nature is beautiful. Being with nature is a wonderful experiencing. Very energising and uplifting. It can help you discover yourself further.
Find a new hobby.
Getting a hobby benefits your well-being and promotes personal growth in plenty of ways. It makes you meet more people and serves as an avenue for stress relief. Finding a hobby excites and challenges you, and gives you a sense of achievement once you’ve gotten used to it.
Be more mindful.
Turn off the TV. Reduce your internet browsing time. Chat less. Rather, be more mindful in the present moment. If you are with your friends, family or co-workers, dedicate your time and attention to them. If you are alone and relaxing, dedicate your focus on nothing but yourself. When you become more mindful about everything you do, you’d find it easier to achieve personal growth.
Laugh more.
If you take life too seriously, you will find the process of knowing yourself harder and stressful. So as you discover your true self and work on a better version of yourself, don’t forget to smile and laugh. Chill. Take it slow. Take it easy. It’s healthy!
You need not try all these ideas all at once. You can start with just one or two then proceed to the others. Personal growth can be a one hefty journey, but with these steps, you can surely get by.
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