Got High Blood Pressure? Get Yourself a Glass of Orange Juice

Amy Taylor March 03, 2016

High blood pressure? Enjoy a glass of orange or any citrus juice. Research says citruses contain a phytonutrient called hesperidin, which appears to increase blood flow throughout the body, including the brain.  Using a machine called Doppler fluximeter, scientists measured the blood flow of the participants through the skin using a laser beam. They fo

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Eating Carrots Could Slash Risk of Breast Cancer by 60 percent, New Study Reveals

Lisa Franchi March 02, 2016

Carrot is well-known for its eye health benefits. But did you know eating carrots can also help protect you from breast cancer? That’s the latest findings published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.  Being one of the largest of its kind, the new study involved 1,500 women diagnosed with breast tumours and another 1,500 or so who were

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Eight Great Reasons to Sleep Naked Each Night

Rebecca Lewis March 02, 2016

Only a few percentage of people across the world sleep nude. If you think the only benefit of sleeping naked is that it spices up your sex life, think again. Sleeping naked has so many great benefits that are too great to enjoy. Here they are:   You will feel less stressed.   Yes. Sleeping naked keeps stress away by boosting the release of oxyt

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Boost Your Creativity: 6 Scientifically Proven Ways

Sharon Moore March 01, 2016

Do you always frown whenever you are assigned with a creative project? Do you feel like you can never be that ‘artistic’? You may not be borne with a creative mind like Pablo Picasso, Einstein or Steve Jobs. But that doesn’t mean you can’t be like them. Creativity, like any skill, can be acquired and developed. And on this article, yo

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Eating Chocolate Once a Week Could Make You Smarter, Study Suggests

Amy Taylor March 01, 2016

Good news for chocolate lovers - enjoying your favourite treat once a week can have positive impact on your brain! It basically boosts your concentration, memory, and problem-solving skills.  In the study, participants who ate any type of chocolate at least once a week performed better on a range of brain tests than those who didn’t indulge. 

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Six Great Reasons Living Near Trees Make You Healthier & Happier

Rebecca Lewis February 29, 2016

Many people choose to live in highly urbanised areas because of the convenience and perks they bring. Great restaurants, shopping centres, signature brand boutiques, and amusement parks - who doesn’t want an easy access to all these? But then, more and more people are now appreciating how it’s like to live in areas where there are fewer buildings

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Does Stress Cause Premature DNA Aging?

Sharon Moore February 29, 2016

Telomeres - the ‘caps’ on the ends of chromosomes which protect the DNA from damage, have long been associated to longevity. It is said that the longer the telomeres, the longer one’s lifespan.  A new study however, which is the largest of its kind, found a small correlation between stress and telomere length.    The analys

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New Research Says the Superfood Avocado Can Save Your Life

Amy Taylor February 26, 2016

Avocado has long been considered a superfood. It’s perfect in smoothies, salads, sandwiches and many other dishes. But apart from its culinary benefits, eating avocado could save your life too. A new study found that it ’significantly reduces’ cholesterol levels. High cholesterol is a major risk factor for heart disease - one of the leading

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Strength Training is for Women Too! Benefits You Can Get

Lisa Franchi February 26, 2016

When it comes to women’s fitness, strength training is one of those that are often overlooked. Getting into shape is every woman’s dream. Many think that the easiest way to get there is to do aerobics. But weight loss is more effective when accompanied with strength training. And no, strength training isn’t just for the boys. It’s for

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Top Seven Reasons Why Cucumber Water is Good for You

Rebecca Lewis February 25, 2016

Cucumber is a widely cultivated plant in the gourd family. It is perfect for salads, sandwiches and many other dishes. It is also made into a popular beverage. You’ll often see cucumber water being served in restaurants. Apart from its refreshing taste and, there are more reasons to drink cucumber water. This natural drink is loaded with essential nutr

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