Ground-breaking Study: T-Cell Immunotherapy Could Possibly Kill Cancer… Forever

Sharon Moore February 25, 2016

Cancer has always been one of the deadliest diseases, claiming thousands of lives every day. It has been in existence for thousands of years now but the quest for the miracle drug is not yet over. Now, a ground-breaking research from San Raffaele Scientific Institute in Milan identified a new approach to treating cancer. The treatment, which involves the bod

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Sedentary Lifestyle Tied to Smaller Brains, Study Shows

Amy Taylor February 24, 2016

A new study published in the Neurology journal found that poor fitness in middle age to smaller brains almost 20 years later. These findings suggest that health and lifestyle choices can have a big effect many years later, basically shrinking the brains of “couch potatoes.”  The study involved 1,094 participants who didn’t have heart

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Three Metabolism Myths Busted

Lisa Franchi February 24, 2016

Can’t lose weight? Is your metabolism to blame? Maybe. Maybe not. Metabolism refers to the set of life-sustaining chemical reactions within the cells. Put simply, it is your body’s way of converting food to energy. How fast or slow this process takes place depends on your metabolic rate, which is affected by so many factors.  Metabolism may

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Five Foods to Boost Your Mood this Weekend

Rebecca Lewis February 23, 2016

You’ve been working hard the past five days. And despite all the stress and exhaustion you feel, you still push yourself to perform at work. And now it’s Friday. You feel so much excited because it’s your time to step back, pause and unwind. You probably have plenty of plans over the weekend and like most people, that includes some food esc

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Poor REM Sleep Linked to Depression & Anxiety

Sharon Moore February 23, 2016

Rapid eye movement (REM) is the most important stage of sleep in which dreams take place. It is characterised by random movement of the eyes, low muscle tone, and rapid low-voltage desynchronized brain waves.  In a new study by the U.S. National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, the bad and "restless" REM sleep experienced by in

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Harmful Molecules Present in Junk Food Linked to Diabetes & Heart Disease

Amy Taylor February 22, 2016

Junk food has always been rated as bad for the health. And there are so many reasons why. But among the unexplored reasons is that they contain damaging bacterial molecules called ‘pathogen-associated molecular patterns’ (PAMPs) which raise the risk of coronary artery disease and type 2 diabetes.  ’It has been understood for many year

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Do You Have Unhealthy Thyroid? 6 Ways to Tell

Lisa Franchi February 22, 2016

Thyroid disorders are becoming more common these days and the reason can be attributed to improper diet and lack of exercise among many people. It is also surprising to know that apart from the thousands of people diagnosed with certain thyroid issues, millions more suffer from them but don’t get enough medical attention.  What is thyroid and how

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Menstrual Pain? Top 10 Natural Cures

Rebecca Lewis February 19, 2016

If you’re like most women, you always have that problem that happens once every month. And like any serious problem - it is so painful you just want to pop a magic pill that will make it go away in seconds, regardless of whether it can damage your health or not. Some pain, cramping and discomfort during menstruation is normal. But at times it can be un

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New Study Explains Why Children Are More Likely to Develop Allergies

Sharon Moore February 19, 2016

Millions of people in the world suffer from some form of allergy, and most of them are children. Allergic reactions can range from the simple ones like rash and itch to more serious conditions such as breathing difficulty and potentially lethal anaphylactic shock.  But why is it that children are more susceptible to allergies than adults? A new study p

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Top Food Picks When You Are Feeling Low

Amy Taylor February 18, 2016

Ever wake up one day feeling sad, anxious or depressed? We all do from time to time. Many factors affect our mood, such as stress, relationships, poor health, and so on. And when the ‘sadness’ is already there, too often it’s difficult to get rid of it. You might sleep it off, drink beer, or take medications. But did you know there are natu

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