Five Foods to Boost Your Mood this Weekend
You’ve been working hard the past five days. And despite all the stress and exhaustion you feel, you still push yourself to perform at work. And now it’s Friday. You feel so much excited because it’s your time to step back, pause and unwind. You probably have plenty of plans over the weekend and like most people, that includes some food escapade. But you have to be careful of what you eat. Most comfort food that we indulge in are high in fats, sugar and chemicals that can take a toll on your mood. So if you want to perk up your weekend and get the most of it, you may want to consider adding the following foods to your diet.
Just saying the word ‘chocolate’ already lifts your mood, doesn’t it? Science has shown that chocolate is indeed a happy food as it has compounds that reduce the effects of cortisol in your body. These are stress hormones that put your body on a heightened alert even if there is no perceived stress. Thanks to the antioxidants in chocolates. But be sure not to go beyond 1.4 ounces of serving. Or else, you might just feel guilty to see the extra pounds on the weighing scale creeping on.
It’s time to lessen your coffee this weekend and sub it for tea instead. Drinking tea helps fight fuzzy brain. And like coffee, it also contains caffeine so you still benefit from the increase in alertness and focus that you’d normally get from your cup of Joe.
Instead of plain starch that causes a sudden spike in your blood sugar levels, opt for complex carbohydrates especially in the morning. Carbs present in oats, beans and whole grains gives your body a steady flow of energy, so you are less likely to feel drained and hungry throughout the day. Not only that, eating carbohydrates is one way to stimulate the release of serotonin - the ‘feel good’ chemicals in your brain that are responsible for lifting your mood.
Fruits & Vegetables
A research reported in the British Journal of Psychiatry involving over 3,500 people found that a diet rich in fruits and vegetables were less likely to report feeling depressed as compared to those who eat more desserts, processed food, and high-fat dairy products.
Eating fatty fish like salmon and tuna gives your body omega-3s - a powerful mood booster. Omega-3s alter the brain chemicals linked with mood, particularly dopamine and serotonin. And here’s the bonus: they also improve sex drive!
Make your weekend less stressful and happier by simply making a healthier choice in the food you eat. Try any of these superfoods and experience that magical improvement in your mood and well-being.
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