Boost Your Creativity: 6 Scientifically Proven Ways

Sharon Moore March 01, 2016

Do you always frown whenever you are assigned with a creative project? Do you feel like you can never be that ‘artistic’? You may not be borne with a creative mind like Pablo Picasso, Einstein or Steve Jobs. But that doesn’t mean you can’t be like them. Creativity, like any skill, can be acquired and developed. And on this article, you will uncover the best ways to do so.

Ready? Let’s get started.

Love change.

Creative people aren’t afraid to take risks and make something different. Going out of your comfort zone and thinking outside the box leads you to many wondrous possibilities and opportunities. You can come up with so many ways to solve a problem by simply opening your eyes and allowing change to happen. Whether it’s trying out a new menu at your favourite restaurant, a different outfit, or a new past time, you expose yourself to new learnings.

Gather experiences. And treasure them.

As you embrace change, you also embrace new experiences. On your next ‘day off’, opt to visit a completely strange place. Camp out. Try fun activities. Do away from your usual weekend routine and go out for an adventure. As you gather experiences, you broaden your horizons and unravel your creativity.

Get a new hobby.

While creativity leads you to excel in a particular hobby, it also works the other way. Engaging in an activity that is different from your line of work does have great benefits. According to a study published in the Journal of Occupational and Organisational Psychology, creative pursuits away from work can boost your problem-solving skills.


We all hear negative things about daydreaming. But it can actually benefit your mental health, particularly spark your creativity. In a study at the University of California at Santa Barbara, it was found that daydreaming when you’re consciously aware of what you’re doing--called "meta-awareness". This helps you solve problems easily.

Go for a walk.

Can’t think clearly? Feeling stagnated? Get up from your desk and take a quick stroll around the neighbourhood or to the nearest park. Moving doesn’t just seem to boost your mood, but your creativity as well. That’s what researchers from Stanford University found in their study. Physical activity puts you in the state of ‘divergent thinking’. It gets your mind stimulated.


Not only does traveling give you a break from your daily stressors. It also greatly boosts your creative mind. Learning about a different country, place and culture can make you look at things at a different perspective, and stimulates innovative and flexible thinking.

All these scientific findings tell us that creativity isn’t something that is innate. We just have to tap into different strategies to spark our creativity. Try any of the tips mentioned above and see where it leads you.