Dementia Cases to Treble by Year 2050

Amy Taylor December 06, 2013

Report by the Alzheimer’s Disease International revealed that there are 44 million sufferers of dementia worldwide. But the number is set to ‘treble’ by year 2050. Currently, 38% of cases are in rich countries. But the trend is expected to shift significantly by 2050, with 71% of patients being in poor and middle-income countries. The wors

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LOL! What Laughing Does to Your Health

Lisa Franchi December 06, 2013

A penguin walks into a shop and asks the assistant: ’Do you have any grapes?’ ’No,’ he replies. The same thing happens the next day and on the third day the assistant replies: ’No, and if you come in asking for grapes again! I will nail your flippers to the floor!’ Next day the penguin walks in and asks: ’Got any nai

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10 Tips for a Healthy & Relaxing Weekend

Rebecca Lewis December 06, 2013

It’s Friday. You didn’t miss any of your daily workout plans and you managed to stick to your diet programme. Yes!  Now what? If you’re like most people, your willpower tends to go out of the window during weekends. You just find yourself noshing on chicken fingers, reaching out for a packet of crisps, and drowning yourself in beer. An

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Chronic Pain Makes People ‘Lose Sense of Self’

Sharon Moore December 06, 2013

A new study has found that individuals who live with daily pain often face a struggle with their sense of self and find it difficult to prove the legitimacy of their condition. Researchers at the National Institute for Health Research Health Services and Delivery Research (HS&DR) Programme examined the growing body of qualitative research on musculoskel

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8 Self-Compassion Tips that Can Make Your Life Better

Sharon Moore December 05, 2013

Most of us understand the value of self-compassion but a few make it a part of their daily life. Some of us choose to be hard on themselves and rarely think about showing themselves a little kindness. And even if they do, they worry that doing so is being so selfish, arrogant and totally not right. Instead, they dwell into self-criticism. But a wealth of re

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Food Shopping Tips for the Health-Conscious

Lisa Franchi December 05, 2013

Healthy eating starts with healthy grocery shopping. But how do you know which of those canned or packed foods are healthier than the others? Here are some pointers that you should take into consideration before heading out to the grocery. Items with fewer ingredients are better. When shopping for canned or packed food items, look for those that have shorte

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Single Spray of Oxytocin Boosts Brain Function in Children with Autism

Amy Taylor December 05, 2013

A single dose of the love hormone, oxytocin, has been shown to improve brain activity, particularly in processing social information, in children with autism spectrum disorders, researchers from Yale University found.  The research team, headed by Ilanit Gordon, a postdoctoral student at Yale Child Study Centre, carried out a double-blind, placebo-cont

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Messy Mealtime Boosts Learning in Toddlers, Study Finds

Rebecca Lewis December 05, 2013

Attention mums and dads – that mess your child is making on the table or in their high chair is an indication that they are feeding their brain with new learning. Researchers from the University of Iowa examined how 16-month old children learn words from non-solid objects, from oatmeal to glue. Previous studies have shown that toddlers learn more abou

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Study Shows Male and Female Brains are Hardwired Differently

Amy Taylor December 04, 2013

 Why do men, in general, excel at certain tasks, and women at others? Scientists at the University of Pennsylvania mapped the brain activities of male and female participants and found striking differences between their neural wiring. Past studies have shown differences between the male and female brain but there’s not enough investigation on t

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The Healing Power of Forgiving

Sharon Moore December 04, 2013

It’s true – it’s not always easy to forgive…and forget. But a wealth of research suggests that it has powerful benefits to our health and well-being. Some people find it very easy to forgive those who have offended them, whilst for others, it take months and even years before they could finally get over the pang and resentment that

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