7 Things You Should Know Before You Hit the Gym

Amy Taylor January 06, 2014

Holidays are over. But then you gained several pounds and it worries you. At this moment, all you want to do is lose weight. You are more than willing to hit the gym and begin an exercise programme as soon as possible. But before you do, there are a few things you want to bear in mind. Such essential information will guide you in a less stressful and achie

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10 Easy Tricks to Bust Procrastination at Work

Lisa Franchi January 06, 2014

Most of the time, it may feel like procrastinating leads to nothing but disappointment, anxiety and stress. But procrastination is not pure evil. Sometimes, it’s our inner self’s one way of saying “hey, you need to take a break”, or that something isn’t right. Among the benefits of procrastination include putting unpleasant task

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7 Rules for Flatter Abs

Amy Taylor January 03, 2014

Many people will go a thousand mile just to achieve flat abs. But contrary to the popular belief, getting beautiful abs is not that hard. There are just a few rules to follow. It starts with proper posture. Improving your posture doesn’t just make you look smarter and more confident – it also makes your tummy appear flatter without breaking a sw

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10 Steps to Create Your Ideal Life

Lisa Franchi January 03, 2014

Whilst it is important that we pay attention to the present, we also have to give time to think and plan for the future. Each one of us has dreams in life. The sad thing is – not all had the opportunity to make them a reality. It’s not because some dreams are impossible. It’s just that only a few are willing to take risks and pursue their i

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Traditional Chinese Medicine Plant Eases Chronic Pain

Sharon Moore January 03, 2014

A plant used for centuries in traditional Chinese medicine has been found to address three types of pain: acute, inflammatory, and neuropathic or chronic pain. Chronic pain is defined as pain that has lasted longer than three to six months. Often, it has unclear causes, which makes it hard for doctors and healthcare professionals to provide suitable treatme

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Global Obesity Rates Quadrupled, Study Finds

Rebecca Lewis January 03, 2014

A report from UK researchers revealed that the number of obese adults in developing countries have almost quadrupled to around one billion since 1980. It also predicts a ‘huge’ increase in the rates of stroke, heart attack and diabetes. Using data published in Population Health Metrics last year, researchers from Overseas Development Institute

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Starting the Year Right: Ways to Boost Your Happiness this 2014

Rebecca Lewis January 02, 2014

It’s the second day of January. How are your New Year’s resolutions going so far? Aside from aspiring to achieve better health and financial security this 2014, you also want to aim for a happier and more fulfilling life. There’s no exact formula for happiness. It is a product of positive habits and traits that you should incorporate in you

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10 Health Benefits of Quinoa

Lisa Franchi January 02, 2014

Quinoa is a grain-like crop primarily grown for its edible seeds. Whilst it has been cultivated for a thousand of years, it was not until recently that scientists have begun studying its amazing health benefits. So what makes quinoa a superfood? It’s high in fibre. Looking to lose some of that belly fats you gained during the holiday season? Then yo

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Mind-Body Connections May Be Universal, Study Suggests

Sharon Moore January 02, 2014

New research from Aalto University School of Science in Finland shows that the mind-body connections may be standard across cultures. That is, wherever they are in the world, people would feel ‘butterflies’ in their stomach when they are nervous, ‘heartbroken’ in the verge of loss, or ‘paralysed’ in times of anxiety, depre

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Daily Dose of Vitamin E May Help Slow Down Mental Decline in People with Dementia, Study Finds

Amy Taylor January 02, 2014

Vitamin E, an antioxidant which protects body tissues from damage caused by free radicals, may also slow down the rate of mental decline among people with mild to moderate dementia – new research revealed. The study involved 613 people with mild to moderate Alzheimer’s disease who received either a daily dose of vitamin E, a dementia drug treatm

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