Scientists Discover Molecule behind the Fat-Burning Effect of Exercise

Rebecca Lewis January 13, 2014

It is a known fact that exercise is good for the body. But as to why exactly it promotes weight loss and improves health is less understood. Now, a new study published in the journal Cell Metabolism has identified a molecule that is produced during exercise which contributes to its beneficial effects, particularly on metabolism. Previous studies have shown

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8 Signs You’re Still Not Ready for a Romantic Relationship

Sharon Moore January 10, 2014

Being in a relationship doesn’t mean you are ready for it already. Preparing for a romantic relationship could mean changing some of your habits and perceptions in life. By knowing your limitations, you can take action today to prepare yourself for a better, happier relationship. Here are 8 signs that you’re not yet ready to enter a romantic rel

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Compassion – Is it a ‘Must-Have’ in Healthcare?

Lisa Franchi January 10, 2014

In the healthcare industry, institutions implement strict qualifications and requirements when hiring employees. Nurses, for instance, must have completed necessary training and education, and in some cases, experience, to practise their profession. Aside from the basic requirements, they should also possess a variety of skills, such as flexibility and adapt

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Scientists Investigate New Test to Screen and Stage Cervical Cancer

Rebecca Lewis January 10, 2014

A new study from the University of Louisville suggests that plasma thermogram – a new test that uses heat to examine blood – can also be used to diagnose cervical cancer. According to the researchers, the new test provides a more convenient and less intrusive way for testing and staging said type of cancer. For the study, the researchers used th

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Compounds in Green Tea and Wine Blocks Brain Pathway that Leads to Alzheimer’s

Amy Taylor January 10, 2014

In the progression of Alzheimer’s disease, harmful clumps of protein latch on to brain cells, causing them to die. Now, a new study found that natural chemicals found in green tea and red wine are able to disrupt this process, which may prevent the onset of dementia. The findings, published in the Journal of Biological Chemistry, offer new potential t

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8 Seriously Threatening Effects of Sleep Deprivation

Rebecca Lewis January 09, 2014

You know that sleeplessness can make you grumpy and foggy. It can also give you dark circles. But did you know it can wreck your health in a lot more ways? Here are eight surprising, yet seriously dangerous effects of sleep deprivation. Lack of sleep puts you at risk of cancer. Sleep deprivation is a major risk factor for a wide range of illnesses, inclu

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10 Reasons to Love Fish

Lisa Franchi January 09, 2014

Hate fish? You shouldn’t. Researchers worldwide have found that regular consumption of fish, or one to two servings weekly, could significantly promote health and lower the risk of a wide range of illnesses, from childhood asthma to heart attack and prostate cancer. Here are 10 major reasons to eat fish: 1)      It cuts your

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Creating Green Spaces – One Way to Boost People’s Mental Health

Amy Taylor January 09, 2014

Constructing more green spaces, such as parks and gardens, in towns and cities is one inexpensive and sustainable strategy to promote mental health among the public, UK researchers suggest. A team of investigators from the University of Exeter analysed the data from the British Household Panel Survey, a repository of information gathered from questionnaires

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Vitamin E Cuts Risk of Memory Problems in Older Adults, Study Finds

Sharon Moore January 09, 2014

Older adults that were given high levels of vitamin E had lower risk of developing memory disorders than those who did not receive the vitamin, a new study found. Published in the journal Experimental Gerontology, it is the first to show that all forms of vitamin E play a role in memory processes. Past studies which investigated the effects of vitamin E o

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Freeing Your Mind from Unwanted Thoughts

Amy Taylor January 08, 2014

Sometimes, we have these unwanted thoughts. And the more we try to get rid of them, the more powerful they become. Regardless of what it is – the memory of a traumatic childhood experience, a fight with your best friend, an insulting remark you got from your boss, or the unexpected meeting with a foe you have never seen for years – these undesira

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