7 Rules for Flatter Abs

Amy Taylor January 03, 2014

Many people will go a thousand mile just to achieve flat abs. But contrary to the popular belief, getting beautiful abs is not that hard. There are just a few rules to follow.

It starts with proper posture. Improving your posture doesn’t just make you look smarter and more confident – it also makes your tummy appear flatter without breaking a sweat. The right posture is when your ears are aligned over your shoulders, shoulders over hips, hips over knees, and knees over ankles. Keep your shoulders open. Practise proper posture whether you’re standing or sitting down.

Set realistic goals. Your favourite star or athlete may have the abs you have been dreaming of but don’t push yourself too hard to mimic them. Some other factors play a role on how perfect your abs look like, including your genes. Set goals based on your body. This way, you will end up firmer and happier.

Workouts should target the whole body. A lot of people who want to get flat abs overdo exercises that work out their stomach muscles, forgetting about other areas like their glutes and back muscles. But the easiest way to trim your stomach fats is to work out your whole body. This has more benefits as it will make you look fitter and sexier all over! A professional personal trainer can create a workout programme that suits your body type and needs.

Eat less, move more. No matter how hard you exercise, if you don’t watch your diet, those sexy abs may not show up. Add lean protein, monounsaturated fats, vitamins and minerals in your diet by eating a wide range of healthy, fresh produce. And make sure you’re not going beyond the recommended calorie intake which is 2,000 cal for women and 2,500 cal for men.

There are exercises that boost abs fitness. Pilate’s exercises are good for toning muscles in the abdomen area as they tend to focus on the core, not just the abs. That means you are working out your abdominals, as well as your arms, legs, back muscles and glutes. You can also inject crunches, sit-ups, squats and canoe twists in your daily workout routine for faster results.

Carbs aren’t always the enemy. It doesn’t matter where they come from – calories are calories. If you love carbs, choose the complex ones as they can make you feel full even if you eat only a little of them. Examples of complex carbohydrates are whole grains and raw fruits and vegetables.

Not all fats are bad. Just like carbs, fats have also gotten a bad rap in the health and fitness industry. But there’s a very fine line between good fats and bad fats. Good fats – those you can get from eating nuts, avocados, beans and other plant-based sources are good for you and your belly, whereas fats from processed foods do the opposite thing. What’s more, processed foods are often high in refined sugar which increase your insulin levels, and lead to abdominal fat. Furthermore, these foods are high in salt which keeps the body retain water, causing bloating.

Acceptance is the key. Embracing ourselves can be transformative in multiple ways. When you accept your body or the way you look, you start to work with what you’ve got. Don’t get too obsessed about losing belly fats and gaining perfect abs. When you treat your body with kindness, you are less likely to feel stressed. Just take things slow. You will get there for sure.