What Highly Active People Do Differently

Amy Taylor May 13, 2014

Physical activity is as important as proper diet when it comes to health and wellness. A large body of research shows that exercise is crucial in reducing the risk of life-threatening diseases, such as heart disease, diabetes and heart disease. But just like maintaining a healthy diet, keeping up with regular exercise can just be as problematic. Some pe

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Immune Cells of Children with Autism Less Able to Fight Free Radicals

Lisa Franchi May 13, 2014

In children with autism, certain immune cells known as granulocytes have only one-third the capacity to fight infection and protect the body from illness compared to these same cells in children without autism, according to a new study published in the journal Paediatrics. Researchers from the University of California- Davis Health System found that peo

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Musical training Boosts Blood Flow in the Brain, New Research Finds

Amy Taylor May 12, 2014

Why does listening to music makes us feel good and improves our cognitive performance? According a new study by the University of Liverpool, even brief musical training can increase the blood flow in the brain’s left hemisphere. Their findings suggest that the areas responsible for music and language share common brain pathways. Researchers from t

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What Napping Does to Your Health

Rebecca Lewis May 12, 2014

You know that having a good night sleep is good for your health. How about a short nap during the day? A large body of scientific research suggests that taking naps everyday benefit a person in many ways. Sadly, napping is often frowned upon in our workaholic society. Many people think that naps are just for the lazy and unambitious, or for the retirees who

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Foods that Lower Your Stroke Risk

Sharon Moore May 12, 2014

In one large study, researchers found that eating the typical Western-style diet increased stroke risk by 58 per cent, whereas eating a diet rich in whole grains, fish, fruits and vegetables could reduce it by 30 per cent. Apart from regular exercise and quality rest, your diet plays a major role in keeping your heart healthy and lowering your likeliho

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Homeopathy and Meditation

Mary Wright Homeopathy, Reiki, Flower Essences in Oakham May 09, 2014

Meditation has probably been around since the beginning of time.  After all, the Buddha was meditating over two and a half thousand years ago, and it is still the mainstay of many Eastern religions. At the heart of meditation is the idea is that in order to find true happiness we must look inside ourselves.  It is in there that we will find a spark

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When does Worry Become Anxiety?

Kate Mollison - Resilient Mindset Counselling, Coaching and Consultancy Counselling, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), Mindful May 09, 2014

As a protective survival mechanism, worrying has evolved to help us pay attention to both internal and external events that might cause us harm. But paradoxically, when worry develops into anxiety, it can start to do more harm than good, and can interfere with or even limit our lives.  Some of the following indicators let you know that your worries are

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Compound in Magic Mushrooms Inhibit Negative Emotions in the Brain, Study Finds

Rebecca Lewis May 09, 2014

What we eat does really affect how we feel. In a new study, researchers found that psilocybin — the psychoactive component in magic mushrooms — seems to tone down the processing of negative emotions in the amygdala. When emotions are unable to be processed correctly, it can trigger mental disorders. When the amygdala responds to stimuli with

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Spinach plus Apple – A Perfect Combination for Cognitive Health

Sharon Moore May 08, 2014

Certain combinations of healthy foods appear to promote brain health in significant ways. In a new study, scientists have found that consuming apples and spinach together substantially increases the amount of nitric oxide (NO) status, an important molecule that boosts blood flow and blood vessel function, which in turn promote cardiovascular and cognitive he

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5 Simple Ways to Recharge & Power Up Your Relationship

Lisa Franchi May 08, 2014

Sustaining a relationship or a marriage is one of the most difficult challenges we can face in our lives. There are many factors that seem to impair our relationship, such as anxiety and stress, responsibilities and obligations, social pressure, failing expectations, overfamiliarity, and financial burden. So amidst all these problems, what can we do to

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