Nature’s Best – 10 Highly Effective Antibiotics that Don’t Require Prescription

Amy Taylor May 01, 2014

Antibiotics are a group of medicines that are used to treat infections caused by bacteria and certain parasites. Whilst pharmaceutical antibiotics help save us from infections, most of them come with undesirable side effects. There are a number of side-effects that have been reported with each of the different antibiotics, and whilst most of them are not ser

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10 Inspiring Habits of Mindful People

Lisa Franchi May 01, 2014

It was not so long ago since people started making a buzz about mindfulness. Many of us regard it as the ‘magic cure’ for stress and burnout, and the antidote to heart disease, mental health disorders and so on. These claims even get more popular as scientists started to provide evidences that mindfulness really does promote health in many specia

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High-fibre Benefits Heart Attack Survivors

Sharon Moore May 01, 2014

People who survived a heart attack and followed a high-fibre diet after were less likely to die nine years after, new research found. This gives additional proof to the heart health benefits of fibre. Researchers also found that fibre may improve blood pressure and cholesterol. In the study, every 10g-per-day increase in fibre intake was linked with

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Strategic Thinking Has Wide-Ranging Mental Health Benefits, Research Shows

Rebecca Lewis April 30, 2014

Strategy-based cognitive training may help enhance cognitive performance and spill over to real-life benefits – researchers found. The research-based perspective highlights cognitive, neural and real-life changes measured in randomized clinical trials that compared a gist-reasoning strategy-training program to memory training in populations ranging fro

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8 Things that Worsen Your Fatigue (Which You Probably Keep Doing)

Lisa Franchi April 30, 2014

More and more people are suffering from fatigue nowadays. It is really not surprising. Keeping pace in a fast-paced world sometimes means going against the stream. It could mean forgetting to rest, and not paying attention to our health. If you always feel tired, you suffer from muscular pain, joint pain and severe headaches, you developed sensitivity or int

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Envy – is There Anything Good about It?

Amy Taylor April 30, 2014

Envy – everybody knows it’s a bad thing. It’s the sixth deadly sin, after all. But it is something we experience from time to time. No one is immune to the green-eyed monster. It’s just that many times we try to deny it. We try to snap those nasty thoughts. But then, something inside us has the great desire to take what that envied pe

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The 3 Simple Habits that Can Make Your Life Longer and Better

Sharon Moore April 29, 2014

A large body of research suggests that our lifespan is predicted by our telomere length. For the past years, scientists found that the length of these protective caps on the end of chromosomes determine how quickly cells age, and how prone we are to developing cancer, cardiovascular disease, obesity, diabetes, dementia and other diseases. Essentially, the sh

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High Doses of Antidepressants Linked to Higher Risk of Self-Harm

Rebecca Lewis April 29, 2014

Children and young adults, who start antidepressant therapy at high doses, appear to be at greater risk for suicidal behaviour during the first 90 days of treatment – new research revealed. In a previous meta-analysis carried out by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) on the use of antidepressants, found that children who received antidepr

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Getting the Most Out of Your Therapy Session

Lisa Franchi April 29, 2014

Until now, there seems to be a stigma attached to the idea of acknowledging the need for and getting help from a professional psychotherapist. What many people don’t realise is that psychotherapy is one of the best approaches in the treatment of mental health issues, ranging from anxiety disorder to substance abuse, depression and so on. Apart from hel

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Eliminating Self Thoughts – A Key to Overcoming Eating Disorder

Sharon Moore April 28, 2014

Rather than focusing on their eating behaviours or weight issues, a better way for people with eating disorder to overcome their condition is to help them ward off negative thoughts about themselves – new research reveals. Researchers from the Institute of Psychiatry (IOP) at King’s College London and the University of Oxford used a computer

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