Foods that Lower Your Stroke Risk
In one large study, researchers found that eating the typical Western-style diet increased stroke risk by 58 per cent, whereas eating a diet rich in whole grains, fish, fruits and vegetables could reduce it by 30 per cent.
Apart from regular exercise and quality rest, your diet plays a major role in keeping your heart healthy and lowering your likelihood of stroke. Here are some of the best foods that could give you strong protection against this debilitating condition.
Foods rich in folate
Beans are food for your heart and brain. That’s because they are rich in B vitamin folate. According to a 20-year study of nearly 10,000 adults, eating a diet rich in folate lowers the risk of stroke by 20 per cent. Researchers who looked at the number of strokes in the United States before and after food manufacturers began fortifying flour with folic acid to prevent birth defects found 10 to 15 per cent fewer stroke deaths in the three years after fortification began than in the three years before.
Liver-boosting foods
You might ask – what does liver have to do with your heart? Here’s the thing. Cholesterol is produced in your liver. A healthy liver is essential for effective overall blood regulation. To boost the health of your liver, which has a positive impact on your heart, add these foods in your diet: broccoli, cabbage, celery, radish, artichoke, garlic, and spinach.
Foods high in omega-3s
Cholesterol-balancing omega 3 fatty acids have been shown to effectively reduce the risk of stroke. These healthy fats, which you can get from fatty fish, walnuts, hempseed, and leafy vegetables, have protective benefits against stroke.
B12, folic acid and B2
High levels of homocysteine – a byproduct of regular protein metabolism produced daily by the human body, is becoming widely recognised as an indicator for potential stroke and CVD issues. Increasing your intake of B12, B2 and folic acid can affect your homocysteine levels and reduce the risk of cholesterol oxidisation. You can get these essential nutrients from Almonds, avocado, eggs, barley, whole grains, broccoli, herring, salmon, sardines, beans, yeast, soy beans, green leafy vegetables, sprouts, endive and lentils.
Oats, Almonds and Soy
Researchers from Toronto, Canada developed a cholesterol-lowering food regimen which they called Portfolio Eating Plan. This plan highlights the consumption of oats, almonds and young green soybeans (also called endamame. When eaten as part of a total diet that’s low in saturated fat, this combination of foods appears to reduce LDL ("bad") cholesterol levels by 28 per cent, almost as much as a statin drug does.
Foods rich in antioxidants
One reason fruits and vegetables are so helpful against stroke is that they’re such good sources of antioxidants. Antioxidants help reduce inflammation and prevent plaque build-up in the arteries. They also improve blood flow by helping blood vessels dilate, which in turn lower your risk of stroke.
Foods rich in potassium
Bananas are loaded with potassium, and experts think one of the reasons the DASH Diet works so well is that it provides plenty of this mineral. Research shows that eating a diet low in potassium (less than 1.5 grams a day) increases stroke risk by 28 per cent. Meanwhile, the Health Professionals Follow-Up Study found that participants, who ate nine daily servings of potassium-rich fruits and vegetables, like potatoes, prunes, and raisins, as well as the foods listed above, lowered their stroke risk by 38 per cent compared to people who ate just four servings daily.
Magnesium-rich foods
The same study that found that potassium-rich foods decreased stroke risk also showed that a diet higher in magnesium-rich foods reduced risk by 30 per cent, even if you don’t have high blood pressure.
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