Things to Be Thankful of this 2014

Rebecca Lewis December 12, 2014

Time flies so fast. It’s hard to believe that we’re now on the last three weeks of 2014! You probably are excited about Christmas, the Boxing Day, and the New Year’s celebration. Who wouldn’t? These are the merriest, happiest times of the year. But apart from preparing for the holidays, there is another important thing you should be

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Alcohol Use May Fuel Insomnia, Research Says

Sharon Moore December 12, 2014

Scientists from University of Missouri School of Medicine drinking alcohol to fall asleep may ultimately be counterproductive as the drug interferes with how the body regulates sleep. According to them, over time, the impairment in normal sleep function can result in insomnia. Many people believe that a bottle or two of alcohol is a great way to fall asleep

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Saffron packs a punch for mental illness

Lisa Franchi December 11, 2014

A review of double-blind clinical trials suggests that saffron can be safer alternative to pharmaceutical antidepressants in some instances by producing less severe side effects than medications. The review, carried out by scientists at Murdoch University, covered six studies involving 230 clinically depressed participants which found saffron was as effecti

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How Junk Food Worsens Your Depression

Sharon Moore December 11, 2014

You have probably heard about it many times. But is it really true that sugary snacks and other unhealthy foods worsen mental illness? A follow-up question would be – does science back this up? Fortunately, yes. Junk food & Mental Health Mental health and diet are related. Whilst it is important that we give importance to our emotional health

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Top 10 Antioxidant Resources

Amy Taylor December 11, 2014

The processed foods we eat, as well as the pollution, and the stresses we face on a daily basis all contribute to the piling up of free radicals in our body. Our body goes through oxidative stress, which causes a lot of trouble to our health and increases our risk of developing varying illnesses. Imagine an apple sliced and left sitting on the table. Yes, it

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Bipolar Patients Have Different Brain Structures, Study Suggests

Lisa Franchi December 10, 2014

While people with Type I and the less-severe Type II bipolar disorder share some of the same symptoms, there are significant differences in the physical structure of their brains. Basically, Type I sufferers have somewhat smaller brain volume, according to a new study. As brain imaging technologies have advanced and matured over the past few decades, there&

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Exercising to Lower Blood Pressure

Amy Taylor December 10, 2014

Regular physical activity is one of the keys to lower your blood pressure. And even if you are taking medications for hypertension, studies have shown that exercising can boost the drug’s effect on your body. Exercising doesn’t have to be agonising. Here are a few tips that will help you lower blood pressure through exercise. Seek help from a

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How to Prevent an Argument (Before It Even Starts)

Sharon Moore December 10, 2014

We all go through the bad, stressful days. There are times when we really can’t be more patient. Just one wrong move or a few minor comments can infuriate us.   But it really don’t have to lead to painful arguments with our loved ones. Here are a few steps to follow to prevent an argument even before it starts: Realise that anger itself is

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How to Be Happier This 2015

Amy Taylor December 09, 2014

Time flies by so fast. It’s hard to believe that we are about to say goodbye to 2014 and say hello to another year. You probably have a lot of great things to be thankful of this year, but like the rest, you also have gone through painful experiences. Maybe as early as now you are already thinking about your New Year’s resolutions. And if one of

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How to Make Exercise a Part of Your Life

Lisa Franchi December 09, 2014

Do you have this “love and hate” relationship with exercise? You’re not alone. Most people do. Each year, thousands of people make a promise to themselves that they are going to make exercise a part of their life. But after a few weeks or months, for reasons they can’t figure out, the go back to their old, sedentary lifestyle again.

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