Scientists Explain Why We Make Bad Food Decisions, Even though We Know it is Bad

Lisa Franchi December 18, 2014

Research from the California Institute of Technology found that our ability to exercise self-control in our eating decisions may depend largely on how quickly our brains factor things like taste and healthfulness. For the study, researchers asked 28 student participants who had been fasting for four hours to individually rate 160 foods, on a scale of -2 to

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3 Relationship Resolutions You Should Consider this 2015

Sharon Moore December 17, 2014

14 days to go and it’s 2015! You probably have listed down your New Year’s resolutions already. Perhaps, they include being more health conscious, losing weight, exercising regularly, being more social and optimistic, thriftier, and so on. The start of the year has always been a good time to start great changes in our life because it makes us rea

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Coping Strategies Therapy for Carers of Dementia Patients

Rebecca Lewis December 17, 2014

Depression, anxiety and other mental health problems are common among people caring for relatives with dementia. In a new study by Livingston of University College London, researchers suggest a psychological intervention for family carers. They call it STrAtegies for RelaTives (START). The programme involves a coping intervention delivered by psychology gra

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8 Foods for Better Sleep

Amy Taylor December 17, 2014

If midnight hunger is preventing you from falling asleep, or if you’re just into something to eat before jumping into bed, there are great snacking options that won’t make you feel guilty. Not only that, these foods can actually enhance your sleep! Yes! Cherries New research presented at the Experimental Biology 2014 meeting finds drinking tart

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5 Lessons about Success that You Won’t Learn from School

Sharon Moore December 16, 2014

Here’s what they always tell us. “Go to school, listen to your teacher, finish college and you will be successful.” Sure, the school prepares us to a better life ahead by teaching us many, many things – from the very basic reading and counting to analysing biological processes, finding the x’s and the y’s, and understandin

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Endurance Training Impacts Muscle Epigenetics, Study Finds

Lisa Franchi December 16, 2014

New research found strong links between these altered epigenetic patterns and the activity in genes controlling improved metabolism and inflammation. The results may have future implications for prevention and treatment of heart disease, diabetes and obesity. The study by Karolinska Institutet in Sweden suggests that long-term endurance training in a stable

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Getting Mental Boost without a Caffeine Jolt

Rebecca Lewis December 16, 2014

If you’re like most people, you probably depend a lot on coffee or some energy drinks to perk you up when midday drowsiness comes. We all experience that afternoon slump and it really can interfere with our work and cause anxiety and frustration. But too much caffeine may not be good for your health, especially if the caffeinated beverages you sip cont

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5 Gifts to Give Yourself this Christmas

Sharon Moore December 15, 2014

The holiday season is all about giving thanks and sharing our blessings to others. Christmas and Boxing Day are two of the merriest times of the year because we get the chance to gather with our families and friends, enjoy good food together, and make another life-treasuring memories. It is also a great opportunity to show them how thankful we are that they

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Poor Sleep Linked to Brain Changes that Lead to Dementia

Amy Taylor December 15, 2014

People who have sleep apnoea or spend less time in deep sleep may be more likely to have changes in the brain associated with dementia, according to new research. Researchers from VA Pacific Islands Health Care System and the Pacific Health Research and Education Institute in Honolulu, Hawaii, found that people who don’t have as much oxygen in their b

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Secrets of Happy Families

Lisa Franchi December 15, 2014

For the past years, there’s mounting evidence that British children have greater levels of unhappiness compared than those from other developed countries. Teaching our children how to be happy is one of the best things we can do for them. By making their childhood revolve around happiness, they can become healthier and more compassionate individuals

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