Research Finds Link between Vitamin A Deficiency and Type 2 Diabetes

Amy Taylor January 19, 2015

A lack of vitamin A could be one of the mechanisms involved in the development of type 2 diabetes. According to a new study, the vitamin helps give rise to the cells, called beta cells, in the pancreas that produce the blood sugar-regulating hormone insulin. Researchers found that in mice models that a lack of vitamin A spurred the death of beta cells, stun

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5 Best Things about Onions

Lisa Franchi January 19, 2015

Onions don’t just add great flavour to raw or cooked dishes. They are also packed with essential nutrients that promote good health! If you’re not a fan of onions, after reading this article, you will be! For centuries, onions have been used and consumed all over the world for their culinary and medicinal properties. And plenty of studies can at

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This is why it’s Never Good to Hold on to Anger

Sharon Moore January 16, 2015

Anger is a natural human response. When somebody did something wrong to us, we feel the need to fight back and make them feel what they just did to us. And sometimes, even if they already said ‘sorry’, we still couldn’t forgive. The anger is still there. Maybe there’s one person in your life you can never forgive. Maybe that person m

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Being Sedentary More Dangerous than Being Obese

Amy Taylor January 16, 2015

A study of more than 300,000 people, which spanned in 12 years, suggests that a lack of exercise could be killing twice as many people as obesity in Europe. 676,000 deaths each year were down to inactivity, compared with 337,000 from carrying too much weight, found the researchers from University of Cambridge. They concluded that getting everyone to do at l

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Eating Habits You Must Start Doing Now

Rebecca Lewis January 16, 2015

When it comes to the science of healthy eating, there are many things to learn. Take into account the calories, fats, vitamins and minerals. You might be bombarded with a lot of eating tips here, there and everywhere. And the information overload can surely overwhelm you. If eating healthy is one of your New Year’s resolutions, there are a few eating

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Ways to Break a Habit that You Probably Haven’t Tried Yet (That You Should)

Sharon Moore January 15, 2015

We all have bad habits that we wish we could break away from this 2015. But even psychologists agree that eliminating unhealthy habits is not that easy. And sometimes, you go to a cycle of “slip and fall” before you finally get rid of them and learn new positive habits. But whilst it is tough, it is not impossible. And experts have some surprisin

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Study Shows Optimists Have Healthier Hearts

Lisa Franchi January 15, 2015

Researchers at the University of Illinois examined more than 5,100 adults over the course of 11 years and found that optimists may be twice as likely to be in “perfect” heart health as pessimistic individuals. Findings were based on seven metrics used by the American Heart Association, including blood pressure, body mass index, dietary intake an

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Vegetables That Can Save Your Life

Rebecca Lewis January 15, 2015

It’s true – vegetables are good for your health. But not all vegetables are created equal. And among these naturally nutritious foods, the leafy greens are the best. They are not only packed with vitamins, they are also filled with essential nutrients like calcium, iron and magnesium. Plus, they contain large amounts of antioxidants too! Not to m

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Imaging Study Shows First Evidence of Neuro-inflammation in Brains of Patients with Chronic Pain

Amy Taylor January 14, 2015

For the first time, a study has shown evidence of neuro-inflammation in key regions of the brains of patients with chronic pain. The new findings, according to the researchers from Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH), may lead to the exploration of potential new treatment strategies and identifies a possible way around one of the most frustrating limit

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Overcoming “Quarter Life Crisis”

Lisa Franchi January 14, 2015

Yes, you know there’s midlife crisis. What about “quarter life crisis”? It is a term used to refer to a group of symptoms experienced by some people in their twenties, which involved anxiety over the direction their life is heading to. Other symptoms include frustration, feeling as if you have no purpose, self-doubt and confusion, and overw

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