Vegetables That Can Save Your Life
It’s true – vegetables are good for your health. But not all vegetables are created equal. And among these naturally nutritious foods, the leafy greens are the best. They are not only packed with vitamins, they are also filled with essential nutrients like calcium, iron and magnesium. Plus, they contain large amounts of antioxidants too! Not to mention that phytochemicals that alleviate heart disease-causing inflammation.
There are a lot of leafy greens to try. And they include the following:
Arugula is among the best leafy greens that contain high levels of nitrate, which has a key role in improving blood flow. Proper blood circulation, in turn, improves heart health and helps our body flush out toxins. Arugula is packed with flavonoids too – antioxidants that protect the body from heart disease and certain cancers. Some studies suggest flavonoids may help with ulcers too. Arugula is quite bitter. So dress it with vinaigrette to counter the bite.
This green is an excellent source of vitamin K – the vitamin that helps regulate blood clotting and reduce plaque on artery walls, and relieve inflammation that is linked to heart disease and arthritis. Regular consumption of watercress has also been linked to reduction in DNA damage in the white blood cells, helping reduce the risk of cancer and triglycerides level (bad cholesterol).
Collard Greens
These greens have the special ability of binding your stomach’s bile acids, which helps lower your cholesterol levels and gives you protection against certain cancers. In one study, collard greens outscored steamed collard greens outshined steamed kale, mustard greens, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, and cabbage in terms of its ability to bind bile acids in the digestive track. This vegetable also contains a special class of phytochemicals that nourish the body’s natural detoxifying system. Eat collards on a regular basis if you want to receive the fantastic health benefits.
Kale contains cancer-thwarting compounds called glucosinolates which have amazing health benefits like cancer prevention, lower blood sugar, stronger bones, and lower risk of inflammation. This leafy veg is also rich in lutein and zeaxanthin – antioxidants that help prevent eye disease and vision loss as you age. Kale contains high amount of iron, vitamins K, A and C, calcium, and fibre. New research suggests that the ITCs made from kale’s glucosinolates can help regulate detox at a genetic level.
Swiss Chard
This leafy veg is packed with syringic acid and kaempfero – less known antioxidants that have amazing benefits to your health. The former helps stabilise blood sugar by inhibiting enzymes that turn carbs into simple sugars, while the latter protects cells against cancer-causing toxins and lowers inflammation. Consuming Swiss chard may reduce your risk for heart disease, diabetes, and other chronic diseases.
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