Study Shows Optimists Have Healthier Hearts

Lisa Franchi January 15, 2015

Researchers at the University of Illinois examined more than 5,100 adults over the course of 11 years and found that optimists may be twice as likely to be in “perfect” heart health as pessimistic individuals.

Findings were based on seven metrics used by the American Heart Association, including blood pressure, body mass index, dietary intake and physical activity.

The study found a link between an upbeat attitude and improved cardiovascular health, even after adjusting the data for socio-demographics and mental health factors. Optimists also had better blood sugar and total cholesterol levels, according to the researchers.

While it doesn’t always pay to be a Pollyanna (research shows there are a few perks to embracing negative emotions), the findings suggest there may just be more of a silver lining to being an optimist. The study joins a growing body of research that shows how a sunny disposition can improve your health. Optimists have stronger immune systems and lower rates of depression. Looking on the bright side can also undo the effects of distressful experiences, The Atlantic reported.

The new research is believed to be the first of its kind to examine the link between optimism and heart health using a large, diverse population, according to the study authors.

More Benefits of Optimism

There are really a lot of reasons to start looking at the glass half full rather than half empty. Numerous studies have shown that optimists tend to have stronger resilience against stress than the negative thinkers. But in addition to relieving stress, laughter can boost mood and reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression. Meanwhile, a 2011 study showed that thinking about something positive that makes you smile can actually make you happier, while 2003 Clark University research found that smiling activates positive memories.