Research Shows How Emotions Help Preserve Memories of Negative Events

Lisa Franchi April 09, 2015

What was your first heartbreak feel like? What was the first major difficult event that you experienced so far? No matter how we try hard to erase them, these negative experiences seem to remain our mind. But it’s not because we choose not to forget them. According to new research, our emotion has the ability to transform mundane events into strong mem

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Good Reasons to Take a Vacation (Even When You’re Busy)

Amy Taylor April 09, 2015

Vacation, vacation, vacation. Who doesn’t want to have a vacation? But let’s face it. People are more concerned about their jobs today more than ever. Most of our weekdays are spent in the workplace, and even during weekends, we still can’t help but peek on our work email and do some paperwork. Even though the reason why we are working ha

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How Yoga Helps You Find Happiness

Sharon Moore April 08, 2015

Yoga has become a popular technique to reduce stress and improve the body’s immunity against diseases. But apart from promoting physical health, yoga is practised by many people to cultivate inner peace and happiness. And whilst true happiness can only be found from within, there are ways, such as yoga, that can help us connect to it easily. In what s

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10 Reasons Most People Are Afraid of Love (And Reasons Why We Shouldn’t Be)

Rebecca Lewis April 08, 2015

Being in love can be the sweetest thing. But it can also be the hardest thing. The fear of getting hurt, betrayed and rejected is one of the main reasons why some people are afraid of love. But then, the reasons why we should be are also overwhelming, and science could back them up. Why are most people afraid of love? Real love involves taking risks. Bei

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Loneliness and its Surprising Health Cost

Amy Taylor April 07, 2015

It is fine to be ‘lonely’ at times. But if your loneliness has been going on for weeks or months now, you should start taking it seriously and seek professional help as soon as possible. A growing body of research suggests that loneliness is just as serious as smoking, lack of exercise, hypertension, and obesity. Loneliness is an invisible epide

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5 Reasons Why We Should Never Avoid Failure

Sharon Moore April 07, 2015

When it comes to advising a friend or loved one about failure, we used to say, it is okay to fail. And that when we fail, we really don’t lose, we just learn. But things are easier said than done. All of us have experienced the pain of failure, and it feels so traumatising that we no longer want to experience it again. But then again, there are plenty

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New Research Shows Green Tea May Offer Protection against Dementia

Lisa Franchi April 06, 2015

Green tea is known for being a superfood. And there are many reasons why. This refreshing beverage is high in antioxidants and natural compounds that fight inflammation and boost immunity. And the benefits seem to pile up. In a new study, presented to the 2015 International Conference on Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s Diseases, researchers found a l

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Foods that Help Ease Your Stress Away

Sharon Moore April 06, 2015

Easter Holiday is over. And we’re back to normal. That is – more work, more stress. Many of us tend to experience Monday blues, especially after a long weekend of fun and leisure. And for some, getting stressed starts as early as now. And when it comes to combating stress, the last thing you want to do is to head to the nearest vending machine.

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5 Simple Dietary Habits We Can Learn from Vegetarians

Amy Taylor April 02, 2015

Going vegan is probably something you tried doing many times already. Saying “no” to meat is really a big challenge for most people, and the reason is obvious. The good news is that you don’t really have to go forever meatless to reap the benefits of going vegan. Below are amazing eating habits that you can try even if you are not really re

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Publication Bias: Study Reveals Antidepressants Are Less Effective than What is Believed

Lisa Franchi April 01, 2015

Many people with anxiety disorder rely so much on medications as a means of coping with the symptoms that often affect the quality of their life. But a new study raises serious questions on the value of these drugs. According to the researchers, medications for anxiety may have been overestimated as a result of publication bias. Even though medications may

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