5 Simple Dietary Habits We Can Learn from Vegetarians

Amy Taylor April 02, 2015

Going vegan is probably something you tried doing many times already. Saying “no” to meat is really a big challenge for most people, and the reason is obvious. The good news is that you don’t really have to go forever meatless to reap the benefits of going vegan. Below are amazing eating habits that you can try even if you are not really ready about embracing the vegetarian lifestyle.

Opt for plant-based sources of fats.

Don’t think that only fats from meat can make your dish savoury and delicious. Going for healthy fats is a vegetarian habit that you can easily adopt. So instead of bacon grease, butter and other animal-derived fats, go for monounsaturated fats like those you can get from olive oil or guacamole. Plant-based fats have been proven to help reduce inflammation (which is a risk factor for premature ageing and diseases), and aid in weight management.

Snack on plants.

Instead of having burger for snack, why not go for a bowl of raw vegies? Toss in some nuts or seeds to add texture, avocado slices, some onion, and your favourite salad dressing. You can also reach for a tall glass of smoothie. Sweeten your smoothie with a teaspoon of honey, make it more delicious by adding dark chocolate shavings or ground nuts. Yum!

Go beans!

Beans are a great source of healthy fats, proteins and fibre that contribute to weight loss. Having beans for breakfast helps you fight hunger throughout the day, so you don’t binge eat. What’s good about beans is that the recipes are almost endless, and you can prepare them beforehand – freeze and just reheat when you’re ready to eat.

Make veggies the centre of your diet.

You don’t really have to give up meat if you can’t. But at least, make vegetables the mainstream of your diet. The largest portion of your plate should be composed of vegetables. Aim for 5 to 7 portions of fresh produce on a daily basis, and you will see great improvements in your health! Before you prepare your next meal today, think of veggies first. Then add protein, healthy starch and good fats around your plate. As you get used to eating whole foods, you will appreciate them more, and what they do to your body.

Avoid convenience foods.

Another great habit of vegetarians is preparing meals from scratch. There is really a big difference between frozen meals and freshly prepared food. Not only can you adjust the amount of seasonings, you can be sure that you are getting most of the nutrients from the food.

Going vegan is a great idea, especially if you’re after losing weight, fighting heart disease, and becoming healthier. But if you are not yet ready to let go of your love for meat. It is okay. By incorporating these simple vegan tweaks in your diet, your health will significantly improve.