New Research Shows Green Tea May Offer Protection against Dementia
Green tea is known for being a superfood. And there are many reasons why. This refreshing beverage is high in antioxidants and natural compounds that fight inflammation and boost immunity. And the benefits seem to pile up. In a new study, presented to the 2015 International Conference on Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s Diseases, researchers found a link between green tea consumption and reduced risk of dementia.
For the past years, green tea has been recognised for its valuable benefits in cancer prevention. But now, it is also receiving much scientific attention due to its positive impact on the human brain. The study found that drinking green tea once to up to six times per week was linked to mental decline. On the other hand, people who didn’t drink green tea, scored slightly lower on a thinking and memory test.
This is not the first time that research points out the mental health benefits of green tea. Previous studies suggest that green tea may help could prevent Alzheimer’s by protecting the brain from producing the formation of beta-amyloid plaque that is known to cause the disease.
Green tea for memory
Green tea may also help improve cognitive function, which is helpful treating patients with Alzheimer’s disease or dementia, according to a study published in 2014 in the journal Psychopharmacology. In this study, participants who took green tea extract showed increased brain activity, especially in areas responsible for memory function. Furthermore, people who drink green tea had a notable increase in brain activity the more they drink it.
Do you love green tea? Do you drink it for health? Have you noticed an improvement in your memory? Share your story with us in the comments below.
Source of this article: Green Tea Linked to Lower Risk for Dementia
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