The 7 Magical Ways Talk Therapy Can Change Your Life

Rebecca Lewis July 22, 2015

Psychotherapy, known as ‘talk therapy’, is an effective treatment for clinical depression and many other mental health issues. But contrary to popular belief, talk therapy is also a great tool for everyday individuals who are seeking to improve the quality of their life, overcome unwanted habits, and deal with stress effectively. Below are some

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Cardio Workouts Great for Combating Job Burnout, Study Says

Amy Taylor July 21, 2015

Do you work out when you are stressed? If yes, you probably have experienced the calming and mood-boosting effect of exercise during emotionally and physically draining moments like this. Not only does it lower your cortisol levels, working out also protects you from work-related burnout. Burnout is normal at work. Doing the same task over and over again, a

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How to Be Grateful When You Can’t

Sharon Moore July 21, 2015

You know that practising gratefulness is one of the keys to happiness. You know it is good for your mind, body and soul. You know it could make you feel instantly better. You heard many experts say that for us to have a thriving life, we need to start recognising positive things in our life and be thankful for them. But how do you do it when you just can&rsq

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Altruism Can Be Fast and Effortless, Brain Study Shows

Rebecca Lewis July 20, 2015

A new study carried out by the researchers from California Institute of Technology developed a computational model of how the brain makes altruistic choices. Such model also helps predict when a person will act generously involving the sacrifice of money, and may help explain why being generous sometimes feels so difficult. Why we act altruistically was con

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7 Benefits of Crying You Didn’t Know

Lisa Franchi July 20, 2015

Crying among children is pretty normal and is the most common way of expressing frustration, hurt, anger and many other negative emotions. But as we get older, crying becomes more of a rare, shameful act that we try to resist. But crying is actually good for our mind, body and spirit. Below are some of the key benefits of crying that you probably didn&rsqu

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How Infant Massage Benefits Your Baby (And You Too)

Lisa Burfitt - Calm Reflex Indian Head Massage, Reflexology and Baby Massage Classes in Birmingham July 17, 2015

For babies, touch matters. The minute you put your baby down, you probably know what’s going to happen next – she’ll cry. And the only way to subside her? Pick her up again. Motherly touch is so powerful. Just a single touch has a soothing and calming effect to the baby. So just imagine how learning to give your baby a massage can do! Ther

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Dealing With PTSD Effectively

Vivienne Dent Hypnotherapy, Counselling, Reiki, Weight Loss in Merseyside July 17, 2015

Can Post Traumatic Stress Disorder be treated effectively? The majority of us have experienced stress at some point and quite a few people feel stressed all of the time. The severity of the stress can largely depend upon the circumstance and how the affected person handles it. Unfortunately, the after effects of specific traumatic events can become overwhel

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Too Much Sitting Raises a Woman’s Risk of Cancer, Despite Physical Activity

Sharon Moore July 17, 2015

Too much time sitting may increase a woman’s risk of cancer. Surprisingly, it isn’t the same with men – new research shows. "Longer leisure time spent sitting was associated with a higher risk of total cancer risk in women, and specifically with multiple myeloma, breast and ovarian cancers. But sitting time was not associated with can

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Sleep-Deprived Brains Can’t Distinguish Between Friends and Foes

Amy Taylor July 16, 2015

Researchers from UC Berkeley found that sleep deprivation reduces our ability to accurately read facial expressions, which can lead to serious consequences, such as not noticing that a child is sick or in pain, or that a potential mugger or violent predator is approaching. Recognising someone else’s facial expression is essential to truly understand w

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10 Reasons Why It’s So Good to Nap

Sharon Moore July 16, 2015

 You know that sleep is good for your body. It is during sleep when your body goes through intensive repair, strengthening your system and restoring your energy levels for yet another day. Even napping benefits your health big time! And here are the top 10 reasons why: It makes you more alert. Can’t focus at work? Consider napping first. Get

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