New Cognitive Screening Test May Help Diagnose Dementia Earlier

Amy Taylor November 18, 2013

Researchers from Johns Hopkins University believed that they have developed a model that could determine whether memory loss experienced by older adults is benign or a precursor to Alzheimer’s disease. Mild cognitive impairment, defined as a noticeable and measurable decline in intellectual abilities that does not seriously interfere with daily life,

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Training Your Brain to Dislike Junk Food

Sharon Moore November 18, 2013

In his report entitled “Why Humans like Junk Food”, Steven Witherly who has spent the last 20 years studying what makes certain foods more addictive, talks about the different factors that make eating a pleasurable experience. First is the sensation of eating the food – the smell, its texture, how it feels in the mouth, the sound, etc. For

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7 Reasons Why You Should Start Waking Up Early

Rebecca Lewis November 18, 2013

Are you an early riser? Do you wake up early in the morning without the need for an alarm clock? Or are you one of the millions who are more than willing to sleep until mid morning? A growing body of research tells us that waking up early appears to have plenty of health benefits. They include the following: Waking up early promotes mental health Scientist

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12 Foods and Ingredients that May Promote Healthy Weight

Lisa Franchi November 18, 2013

An active lifestyle plus proper nutrition is no doubt the key to healthy weight management. In this month’s issue of the Food Technology magazine published by the Institute of Food Technologists (IFT), contributing editor Linda Milo Ohr talks about the 12 foods and ingredients that may help people stay fit and lean. Dairy protein – Researchers a

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How To Stop Watching Your Weight and Enjoy The Journey?

Margo Toppin: Mytee Pathfinder Womens Health, Weight Loss, NLP in Muswell Hill November 15, 2013

What are you focusing on when it comes to your ideal weight? Could it be looking at the extra weight you have around your waist?  Or feeling guilty about what you have just eaten?  Or maybe how difficult it is to follow your exercise regime? Feeling bad about any of the above keeps you struggling to release those vital pounds.  Even though w

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Our Brain Sees Things We Don’t, Scientists Say

Lisa Franchi November 15, 2013

Our brain actually understands visual input that we may never consciously perceive. That’s the finding of a new study published in the journal Psychological Science. Jay Sanguinetti of the University of Arizona and his team asked volunteersto view a series of black silhouettes, some of which contained meaningful, real-world objects hidden in the whit

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When Your Child is Making You Want to Scream

Rebecca Lewis November 15, 2013

One of the hardest things about being a parent is regulating our emotions. Many times, our children would want to make us scream in anger. And even though what we really wanted to say are nice words that could encourage them to change their habits or improve their behaviours, we often end up saying hurtful remarks that bring emotional wound to us and our chi

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Exercise during Pregnancy Boosts Child’s Brain Development

Amy Taylor November 15, 2013

Exercise during pregnancy may not only improve the health of mums-to-be and slash their risk of weight gain, butmay also benefit the brain development of their babies. That’s according to the latest study by the University of Montreal. The team looked at mothers in their second trimester of pregnancy. 10 of them were asked to perform moderate cardiov

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6 ‘Beauty Secrets’ Nature Offers

Sharon Moore November 15, 2013

What if the ‘beauty secret’ you have been searching for has been sitting there all this time on your kitchen counter? Nature has given us almost anything we could possibly need. Aside from nourishing our body from within, the following natural beauty treatments will make sure you also glow from the outside! Avocado Avocado is considered one of

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Acupuncture and Fertility: Does It Help to Conceive With or Without IVF?

Dr. Tukmachi Acupuncture Clinic Acupuncture in Newcastle-under-Lyme November 14, 2013

It is well publicised over the past few years in the media that acupuncture can assist natural fertility and improving the success of IVF (In Vitro Fertilization) treatment prognosis. In UK, It is known that 10-15% of couples are facing difficulties in conceiving at some point in their reproductive life and seeking help from specialist in fertility treatment

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