Natural Aids for Dry Skin

Lisa Franchi January 30, 2014

Millions of people cope with dry skin every day, making the skin care business a multi-billion dollar industry. There are lots of products available in stores today, ranging from the cheapest topical creams to the most expensive spa treatments. But did you know that dry skin is something you can treat naturally? The following aids won’t just save you m

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Excessive Alcohol Consumption Raises Skin Cancer Risk

Sharon Moore January 30, 2014

Excessive alcohol consumption may trigger a chain of reactions in the body that lead to skin cancer, new research found. According to the study reported in the British Journal of Dermatology, a component of alcohol called ethanol is converted into a substance called acetaldehyde soon after ingestion. This process makes the skin more sensitive to harmful U

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7 Unbelievable Health Benefits of Cabbage

Sharon Moore January 29, 2014

Do you love cabbage? Well, you should. This cruciferous vegetable is touted for its amazing health benefits, and is considered a superfood by many experts. Whilst red cabbage has the highest levels of anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, the green and Savoy varieties are also jam-packed with extraordinary benefits. So what makes cabbage a superfo

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7 Characteristics of Emotionally Secure People

Rebecca Lewis January 29, 2014

Emotional security refers to the ability to deal with negative life’s situations in healthy and acceptable ways. Emotionally secure people are able to cope with mishaps effectively and bounce back after experiencing adversity. Below are things that emotionally secure people do differently. Try to incorporate them in your daily life and see the diff

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Disrupted Sleep Speeds up Cancer Growth, Study Finds

Lisa Franchi January 29, 2014

Don’t just sleep. Sleep well. According to a new study, disrupted sleep may spur cancer growth because of its negative effects to the immune system. In the study, researchers grouped mice into two. One group of mice was allowed to sleep peacefully whilst the other had their sleep disturbed every two minutes with a motorised brush that swept through

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People with Impulsive Behaviours More Likely to Become ‘Food Addicts’, Study Suggests

Amy Taylor January 29, 2014

People with impulsive personalities, who are at risk of alcohol and substance abuse, are also more likely to develop addiction to foods, new research reveals. Researchers from the University of Georgia found that people with impulsive personalities were more likely to report higher levels of food addiction – a compulsive pattern of eating that is si

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10 Rules for Keeping Healthy Relationships

Lisa Franchi January 28, 2014

What makes and keeps a relationship healthy? Kind of an easy question but is often hard to answer. Well, these 10 important rules may give us a clue. Men and women are very different. Whilst each couple may share a lot of common interests and hobbies, they are completely different from each other. Understanding and celebrating these differences is one way

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What NOT to Do When You are Sleep-Deprived

Rebecca Lewis January 28, 2014

You probably know that when you are sleep-deprived, you tend to feel grumpy, hungry, tired and irritable. A 2012 study found that as many as one in three British workers lack enough sleep. This does not only take a toll on their mental health but on their physical health as well. Numerous studies have shown that lack of sleep can raise the risk of cardiovasc

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The Immediate Health Benefits of Exercise

Sharon Moore January 28, 2014

A healthy lifestyle is not really healthy without regular exercise. Even if you are eating lots of fruits and vegetables, and you are not smoking or drinking too much alcohol, you can’t be healthy if you will sit in your desk all day long. Study after study shows that exercise is crucial to a long and healthy life. And to reap the full range of benefit

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Making Therapy Helps Young Cancer Patients Cope with Treatments

Amy Taylor January 28, 2014

Music heals, really. According to a new study, music therapy can help teenagers and young people cope better when faced with treatment for cancer. US researchers tracked a group of patients aged 11-24 who were undergoing high-risk stem-cell transplant treatments as they produced a music video over three weeks. The young patients were asked to write song l

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