5 Vegan Habits that Could Save Your Health

Sharon Moore June 05, 2014

Can’t give up meat? You don’t have to be a full-pledged vegan to reap the benefits of this healthy diet plan. Consider the following vegan eating habits that you can incorporate in the diet plan you are used to: Eat fermented foods. Vegans love the zesty flavour and taste of fermented foods like kefir, kimchi, sauerkraut, pickled carrots, e

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5 ways to Reduce Those Niggling Negative Thoughts

Dr. Tracey Cole - Over the Oxer Hypnotherapy, NLP, Time Line Therapy in Leek June 04, 2014

Negative thoughts drain us tremendously; sapping our energy and leaving us prey to anxiety and overwhelming emotions. Whilst positive thinking, affirmations and mantras go a little way to help, they are easily overridden by our unconscious minds and we revert back to the negative mental chatter once more. The changes we are striving to make can only have p

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Learning Second Language Slows Memory Decline

Rebecca Lewis June 04, 2014

Thinking of a way to boost your brain power? Learn a new language. New research shows it has a positive impact on mental health, even when taken up in adulthood. Previous research suggests that learning a new language could delay the onset of dementia several years later. But the big question was whether learning a new language improved cognitive functi

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Super Steps to Boost Your Digestive Health

Amy Taylor June 04, 2014

They say we are just as healthy as our gut. Our digestive system works like our second brain. It is where our probiotics reside – the good bacteria that fight pathogens and other harmful substances and protect our body against potential diseases. So it is highly important that we take good care of our digestive system. The question is how? Follow

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What Makes a Good Partner?

Sharon Moore June 04, 2014

What makes a good partner? Sounds an easy question but is often hard to answer. There are many myths about what makes a good partner. They include believing that this person has to agree with what you say, and being someone who ‘completes’ – just what characters in the movie say. In reality however, a good partner offers you perspect

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15 Ways to Boost Your Brain Power

Lisa Franchi June 03, 2014

Eating right, exercising and staying mentally active remain to be the biggest brain health boosters. But they aren’t the only options. Here are some more tips to boost your brain power: Keep learning. Read a history book, watch a documentary film or learn a new language – vast research shows that education provides some protection from wani

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When Life Gets You Down

Amy Taylor June 03, 2014

How to Cope with Situational Depression In life, we all have stories of ups and downs to share. There are times when everything feels so good that we can’t just stop smiling. But there are also moments when life gets us down – such as a job layoff, a divorce, a breakup, a serious illness, or a bad day at work. Things like these make us feel

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New Study Shows a Link between Bright Bedroom and Obesity

Rebecca Lewis June 03, 2014

A team of researchers at the Institute of Cancer Research in London found women had larger waistlines if their bedroom was "light enough to see across" at night. In the study, 113,000 women were asked to rate the amount of light in their bedrooms at night – whether it was light enough to read, light enough to see across the room, but not

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Tai Chi May Slow Down Cells’ Ageing Process, Researchers Say

Rebecca Lewis June 02, 2014

Practising the traditional Chinese martial art called Tai Chi, may replenish stem cells and therefore slow down the ageing process – new research revealed. In the study, researchers compared tai chi with brisk walking or no exercise and found that the group performing tai chi had higher amount of the stem cell important to a number of the body&rsq

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10 Smart Strategies to Avoid Diet Pitfalls When Dining Out

Lisa Franchi June 02, 2014

If you’re like most dieters, you dread dining out. In moments like this, you probably just can’t resist pampering yourself with a big plate of pasta, a large slice (or two!) of pizza, quarter-pound burger, or a large cup of frap. You’ve been working out hard and watching your diet for a long time now. You deserve some ‘indulging&rsq

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