What Makes a Good Partner?
What makes a good partner? Sounds an easy question but is often hard to answer. There are many myths about what makes a good partner. They include believing that this person has to agree with what you say, and being someone who ‘completes’ – just what characters in the movie say.
In reality however, a good partner offers you perspectives that you would have not otherwise imagined. A good partner is also a complete partner. A happy relationship requires two whole people who are capable of loving themselves and loving others.
Here are things that make a good partner.
They love themselves first. Many people think that a good partner thinks of their mate’s needs before their own. That is, they give and love until it hurts. But the problem is that it depletes their energy, and doing this could lead to resentment. A good partner knows and understands their own needs and makes sure they are met. When you love yourself, you are more capable of loving others too.
They stay attuned to their partner’s needs. A good partner knows their significant other’s personal goals, respects them and supports them.
They are a good listener.
Being a good partner goes beyond hearing what your partner says. It requires paying attention to their message without being judgmental. Good listening skills are crucial to the success of a romantic relationship. Listening to your partner allows you to fully understand their needs and what they are going through.
They are a good communicator.
Effective communication prevents the onset of potential conflicts, misunderstandings and arguments. When communicating, a good partner avoids aggressive and offensive words and tones that make their significant other feel defensive and inadequate.
They take their share of duties and responsibilities.
A common problem among couples is that the other person does more work than the other. Equal sharing of tasks is an ingredient to a successful relationship, especially when both partners have work. Household chores can cause burnout and stress if carried out by only one person. Furthermore, a good partner is willing to go the extra mile for the other in times of difficulties. For instance, when one is sick, the other willingly takes on the other’s tasks. When one partner is struggling with a loss, the other may pick up the missing pieces.
They have a sense of humour.
A sense of humour can be a lifesaver in a relationship. The ability to laugh at oneself and life’s imperfections helps you retain a positive perspective while dealing with sensitive issues that arise within your relationship. A good sense of humour pacifies the tension during difficult moments, and in turn, prevents potential conflicts.
What else makes a good partner? We’d love to hear your thoughts. Share your comment below.
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