15 Ways to Boost Your Brain Power
Eating right, exercising and staying mentally active remain to be the biggest brain health boosters. But they aren’t the only options. Here are some more tips to boost your brain power:
Keep learning.
Read a history book, watch a documentary film or learn a new language – vast research shows that education provides some protection from waning mental function. Studies found that people with more education have a greater cognitive reserve and more protection from cognitive decline.
Focus on one task at a time.
Multitasking may sound like a great idea if you’re faced with a lot of things to do but have very little time. A growing body of research suggests that multitasking is more problematic than productive. In a 2010 study by Washington University, researchers found that adults of all ages get side-tracked by interferences but that older adults have a harder time refocusing after they’ve been distracted.
Work out.
The hippocampus, which typically shrinks with age, is the part of the brain that is responsible for storing long-term memory. Good news, regular exercise was found to be effective in reversing this shrinking. In 2010, scientists discovered that the effects of exercise increased hippocampus volume by an amount equal to what older people lose in one to two years.
Stay positive.
Negative thinking does not only affect your mood but also your cognitive health. Stereotype threat stemming from beliefs about age and memory loss can hinder the performance of middle-aged and older people on memory tests, according to a 2013 study reported in the journal of Psychology and Aging. In another research by the University of Southern California, stereotype threat has also been shown to improve performance when tasks are focused on losses rather than gains.
Whilst numerous studies show an association between social support and better cognitive functioning, it’s hard to tell which one causes the other. In 2008, a study published in the American Journal of Public Health found that memory among people who were least socially integrated declined twice as much as in people who were most socially integrated.
Test your mind, regularly.
Do a crossword or answer a trivia quiz. Engaging in mentally stimulating activities was found to improve cognitive function. A study of over 400 adults over the age of 75 found that doing cognitive activities like crossword puzzles, reading or playing music actually delayed the onset of memory decline among people who eventually developed dementia.
Engage all your senses.
Studies have shown that involving multiple senses, like the picture of a flower with a floral scent, enhances people’s ability to memorize what their senses are taking in.
Meditation is a powerful mental exercise that has been known to increase IQ, relieve stress, and promotes higher levels of brain functioning. Meditation also activates the “prefrontal cortex” of the brain – an area responsible for advanced thinking ability and performance.
Laugh it up.
Laughter stimulates the brain to produce endorphins — chemicals that drown out pain and increase overall well-being. Laughter is also a great stress reliever.
Listen to music.
Studies have proven that listening to music strengthens the right-hemisphere of the brain and literally changes the structure. This makes people who listen to music generally smarter and have more emotional intelligence than those who don’t. In one study, classical music was found to help students do better in mathematics and writing.
Make a blog post.
Writing is linked to an improved memory and expression of thoughts. Writing strengthens the brain’s natural ability to convey thoughts and feelings. It is a great way to exercise your ability to analyse and build a thought process with critical thinking. Journals, diaries, blog entries, and writing stories are great ways to power up your brain.
Eat less.
Eating too much food could decrease the flow of blood to your brain and increase its flow in your digestive system. Thus, cutting back on the total amount of food you consume, will result to enhanced brain functioning. In several lab studies, rats on a calorie-restricted diet had increased blood flow to their brains.
Practise self-awareness.
Letting go of ego-driven and emotional aspects of life boosts rational thinking. Rational thinking then allows you to become self-aware, which in turn allows you to make better future decisions and achieve optimal brain health. Apart from meditation, self-hypnosis and introspection are exercises that can help you develop self-awareness.
Take a nap.
Research shows that taking a nap could significantly improve our task-performance and thinking abilities. Naps are a wonderful refresher and quick little mental booster.
Have sex.
Yes, it could boost your brain power too! Having sex is a great way to naturally release vital hormones in the brain. It improves social connection, emotional intelligence and your overall sense of well-being. What’s more, it helps improve your confidence and ability to think positively.
What other tips about boosting brain power can you suggest? Feel free to post a comment below.
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