Quitting Smoking & Losing Weight May Cut Pancreatic Cancer Risk by 40 Percent

Sharon Moore July 02, 2014

  40 per cent of pancreatic cancer cases – one of the deadliest forms of cancer, can be prevented by maintaining a healthy weight and not smoking, according to new research. Survival rates in pancreatic cancer remain low, despite the huge improvements in treatments. Merely 3 three per cent of people diagnosed with pancreatic cancer survive the d

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Worried Again? Here’s What You Should Do

Amy Taylor July 02, 2014

Worried that you might not get the job? Worried about your health? Worried that you might not have enough money to pay for a bigger house? Worried that your kids may not be doing well in school? We all have worries. And they can really make us feel anxious and helpless at times. But chronic worrying won’t do you any good. It’s not going

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8 Herbs and Spices that Can Save Your Health

Rebecca Lewis July 02, 2014

Sometimes, simply adding a few spices to a meal is all it takes to make your dish taste really great, as if it has been prepared by a world renowned chef. But using spices doesn’t only make your dish taste good, it can also be an inexpensive, sumptuous and effective way to boost your health and increase your well-being. Whether you love to cook o

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Superfoods that Keep You Fuller for Longer

Amy Taylor July 01, 2014

  One of the major reasons why many people fail in their attempt to lose weight is this: hunger. Cutting back on your calorie intake is a must if you want to see great results fast. But the good news is that you really don’t have to starve yourself! The key to a fulfilling weight loss journey is to make smart food choices. There are foods that

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Chronic Stress Creates Lasting Impact on the Child’s Brain, Study Finds

Lisa Franchi July 01, 2014

A little bit of stress can be beneficial for children as it opens the opportunity for learning, adapting and coping. But exposure to chronic stress, which can be obtained from poverty, neglect and abuse, can have lasting negative impact on their brain. Researchers from the University of Wisconsin-Madison found that chronic stress experienced early in life

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7 Creative Activities that Can De-Stress You (And Boost Your Health)

Rebecca Lewis July 01, 2014

What do you do when you’re stressed? Do you find yourself binge-eating, smoking or drinking alcohol? Whilst these can all give you a boost in mood, they are only ‘quick fixes’. More alarming, they can actually ruin your health in the long run. There’s no need to engage in unhealthy habits like these. Studies show that there bett

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Are You a Compassionate Person? 6 Ways to Tell

Amy Taylor June 30, 2014

If you’ve been reading well about the latest on health and wellness, you know that money, fortune and fame are not really the key to happiness. Research on positive psychology suggests that if we want to be happy, we should practise compassion. That is, your happiness does not depend solely on you, but in your relationship with others too. Being c

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Eating More Fruits & Veggies Not Enough to Lose Weight, Research Finds

Lisa Franchi June 30, 2014

Looking to shed extra pounds? Simply eating more fruits and vegetables may not be enough, according to a new study. Researchers from the University of Alabama-Birmingham say that while it is a commonly recommended weight-loss tactic to increase the feeling of being full by consuming more fruits and vegetables, increased fruit and vegetable consumption per

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Surprising Health Benefits of Cauliflower

Sharon Moore June 30, 2014

You want to include cauliflower as part of your regular diet plan. Why? Although when it comes to fruits and vegetables, the more colourful the better – cauliflower is an exception to the rule. This bland-looking cruciferous vegetable is packed with amazing health benefits too. Cauliflower is a member of the cruciferous family of vegetables, and is

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Supporting a Loved through Trauma

Sharon Moore June 27, 2014

When someone you love suffers from trauma, it can be distressing for you to see them that way and feel clueless of what to do and how to help them cope. It can also be overwhelming if you don’t have the knowledge and tools necessary respond to that person. If you are wondering how you can help a loved one overcome a traumatic experience, here are

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