• 1 Add Your Details:
  • 2 Payment:
  • 3 Check Your Email:
Membership Requirements:

10% off on a 12-month membership + Additional 1 month membership FREE. And also if you don't have a website, we will give you (every new member) a premade website for FREE. Or if you have your own website, we offer FREE web hosting with any domain that you registered.

Please identify your status by selecting the option which applies to you: *

If you tick the second or third option, you will need to send a copy of your membership card or copies of        qualifications and insurance cover. You can send your documents to us by:

Email: support@naturaltherapyforall.com

Fax: +44 (0)2920 090293

Post: NaturalTherapyForAll Ltd
          376 Newport Road
          CF23 9AE
          United Kingdom

1Login Details
2Name & Location
  • (You can add more therapies later on.)
  • (Name to display on profile)
3Other Details

How did you hear about us?*

  • * Mandatory fields