Acupuncture, Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), Acupressure in Chesterfield, Derbyshire
Skin disorders (Eczema, psoiasis, acne, herpes, dermatitis, athlete’s foot, hair loss, allergies);pain or disfunction in relation to the muscle or joint or nerve damage (arthritis, back pain, stiff neck, headache, migraine, trigeminal nerve pain, s...
Hypnotherapy, Acupressure, EFT (MTT) Tapping in Birmingham
Help is Here...I have 12 years experience in providing solutions to a range of issues and problems. I use Hypnotheray, Neuro-linguistic Programming, Emotional Freedom Techniques, Counselling . Weight Loss? Phobias and Fears? Stop Smoking? Dep...
Acupuncture, Acupressure, Cupping in Bearwood, Smethwick
Janet began her career as a chartered physiotherapist in the NHS. Following an unsuccessful operation to help with the pain of sciatica, caused by osteoarthritis, a course of Traditional Acupuncture not only improved the pain but also her sleep and g...
Counselling, Acupuncture, Natural Fertility Therapy in Nottingham
Traditional 5 Element Acupuncture for all conditions including: Sports injuries, back pain, sciatica, IBS, RSI, stress, anxiety, high blood pressure, depression, combating addiction (food, nicotine, alcohol etc.) and the impact of the menopause. Spe...
Acupuncture, Reiki, Acupressure in Nottingham
Acupuncture can be used successfully to maintain health and prevent disease. I have also undergone training in Auricular (ear) Acupuncture with SMART UK to treat people struggling with addictions such as alcohol, drugs and smoking tobacco.
Acupuncture, Reiki, Acupressure in Loughborough, Leicestershire
- We are serving Leicester and the surrounding villages Natural Elements - Physiotherapy & Natural Health Clinics in Groby, Desford and Barrow Upon Soar offers a range of treatments to help keep you looking, moving and feeling great. - Maybe you wan...
Acupuncture, Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), Acupressure in Birmingham
Traditional acupuncture has been used to treat most conditions for more than 5000 years. The style of acupuncture I practice is predominantly five element acupuncture. The aim of treatment is to get you back in to your natural balance with nature. I ...
Acupuncture, Natural Fertility Therapy, Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) in Birmingham
INTERNAL,Asthma,Bronchitis Indigestion,Constipation,Peptic ulcers, Diarrhoea, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Gastritis, Nausea/vomiting Palpitation, ME (Chronic Fatigue Syndrome) Colds Migraine Colitis Multiple Sclerosis Flu Nephritis Hepa...